Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I better be getting a big refund

I am soooo frustrated. It took me half an hour to get through to talk to a person at the tax centre and then I spent the next half hour yelling at the idiot that took my call. She kept going on and on about how they cannot tell me how much my student loan is, and if I want to know what my repayment amount is blah blah blah. I'm not in repayment- that's not why I'm calling. I don't owe them anything-right now. Anyways apparently one government agency gave me the wrong information. The revenue agency tells me to call BC Student loans and BC Student loans tells me to call the Revenue agency!!!!! I don't even do my own taxes!

To top it all off she was looking at someone else's tax return. I just went through the last 3 years over the phone with her- line by line. While she's telling me all about how because I had 8 employers last year blah blah....WHAT? No I only worked at one place! So we argue over this for like 5 minutes when she finally asks me what my name is. Oh (tee hee) Ooopps wrong person! Argh! meanwhile she just got paid $25 an hour to be a complete idiot!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.