"Surely you can't be serious"
"I am serious. And don't call me Shirley"
"This woman must be taken to a hospital"
"A hospital? What is it"
"It's a big building with patients, but that's not important right now."
~Airplane. One of my favorite movies.
RIP Leslie Nielsen
Sunday, November 28, 2010
sad but true
Posted by Hilary at 6:44 p.m. 1 comments
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Several months ago my camera died. Maybe you noticed the lack of pictures on the blog? It really killed my blogging enthusiasm. This week my co-worker brought her new camera in to try. I was so sold on it, and now it's all I can think about.
Posted by Hilary at 6:56 p.m. 1 comments
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Good Ideas, I'm full of them
But not flush with the money needed to accomplish much of anything. The job hunt is always ongoing, not because I'm unhappy where I'm at... (hello co-workers reading my blog)... but because if something amazing comes along, I don't want to miss it. There are a couple of communities that I really would like to move to. But there is a big problem, a total lack of social services. I started thinking, rather than waiting for the job, why not go out there and create the program? I did a half assed attempt today to try and talk the uppitty-ups into expanding our services there. Not much luck.
It's kind of frustrating. I am sort of thinking that I should just write a proposal and see what happens. I have done my homework. The community had a 10.6% growth rate from 2001-2006 (judging by the number of new homes in the last few years, this rate has continued). It is serviced by 2 social service agencies, one who focuses on youth and another that focuses on homeless people. There are no services specifically for women except one small house for women fleeing abuse. What I want to propose is a women's drop-in centre for street women (providing basic needs) and a second stage housing/BC housing complex for women and children. You'd think I'd be able to talk my feminist social service agency into this....right? Anyone out there have secret skills in writing proposals? If so contact me.
Posted by Hilary at 7:19 p.m. 0 comments
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
you can do it!
Posted by Hilary at 7:04 p.m. 0 comments
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Posted by Hilary at 6:22 p.m. 0 comments
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
a hodge podge
I'm sure that I could stretch this out to 4 or 5 boring blog posts, but I might as well bore you all at once.

Posted by Hilary at 5:59 p.m. 0 comments
Friday, August 13, 2010
Back into the fire
Well there were no campfires allowed due to the dryness of late summer. But camping was good nonetheless. Little did I know that the campsite was 5000 feet about sea level. It was very very cold. All I packed was tank-tops and shorts. I really needed to pack the winter survival gear! I spent one night shivering, and the next two I spent crammed into a tiny cabin.
Lots of wildlife was seen: moose, chipmunks, marmots, and rabbits. Although there were lots of fish jumping, no one caught any fish. My uncle chose to sleep in the back of his truck at the top of the road instead of in the cabin. In the middle of the night he felt something big bump against the side of the truck hard enough to wake him. After the second time, he opened the tailgail and shone his flashlight out to the left and to the right. He saw nothing and so went back to sleep. The truck was bumped around again after that. He decided that whatever it was probably couldn't get him in the truck and it was better to stay in the truck than wander around in the pitch black. Whatever it was very big.
In the morning he awoke to see that he was surrounded by 30 cows sleeping around his truck. The cows had been grazing in the night and were sticking their heads under the truck to get grass and while doing so were pushing the truck around! What a relief, since the most logical explanation was that a bear was trying to get in the truck.
But now I'm back to the craziness that is work. Friday the thirteenth. I saw the darkside, and it was scary as hell.
Posted by Hilary at 9:21 p.m. 1 comments
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Welcome to Rut-ville!
Okay I admit it. I'm unhappy.
I feel like I'm in a massive rut with no easy way out. I tend to go through these cycles of contentment and then suddenly I'm in a rut. Once in a rut, I tend to make pretty big drastic decisions. What do these include?
1. Spending 9 months travelling across Canada.
2. Moving x 3
3. Applying for jobs in Iqaluit, Prince George, Nelson
4. Going back to school x 3
5. Changing jobs or careers x 2
6. Learning to drive 13 years late
7. Buying a car
8. Getting a cat x 2
9. Walking away from a bad friendship
Most of the above list I did fairly recently, and I don't regret any of them. -But it isn't enough. I'm back in Rut-ville. What do you do when you feel stuck? I have been working out like crazy, and trying to stay busy and do a bunch of job hunting in hopes that it will satiate my desire to make BIG changes. How do I stop this feeling from coming back every 6 months?
Posted by Hilary at 5:55 p.m. 0 comments
Monday, July 05, 2010
well at least I know...
I'm not sure if it's good news or bad news. I still have hives, everyday. I think I'm in the sixth week, but I kinda lost count. I went back to the doctor today to follow-up. Fifth Disease is the likely diagnosis. Knowing that it isn't a food allergy is the good news. It also explains why I suddenly have the arthritic hands of a 90 year old. The bad news is that it will last for MONTHS. Reading on the internet, it could last for Y-E-A-R-S! Deep breaths. It won't kill me.

Posted by Hilary at 7:11 p.m. 2 comments
Monday, June 21, 2010
My new car!
Okay, well not this exact one. Mine is blue/grey. Initially I wasn't super keen on buying a domestic car; then I learned that the car isn't even built by Chevrolet- it is a Suzuki. It had everything I was looking for: super compact, air conditioning, and almost new. It actually works out better for me in the end to buy a car still on warranty and finance it rather than buy an older car. I have no car knowledge at all. I have trouble pumping gas. It made sense for me to buy a newer car and avoid the problems older cars have. I'm really happy with it.
Posted by Hilary at 11:03 p.m. 1 comments
Monday, June 14, 2010
Laptop Lunch box:
I would move the picture above down here if I could but for some reason, I can't move pictures anymore. I love my lunch box. If someone else hadn't already thought of blogging about their packed lunches, I just might have done it! I spend the whole morning looking forward to opening up my lunch box. My co-workers and clients crane their necks to see what I have today. After doing so, they are usually disappointed with their own boring lunches. There is much to be said for making your meals esthetically pleasing.And then there were the hives...
It's been 3 weeks and I still have them a little bit. Nothing like they were before. After being on the really strict elimination diet for days I was no further ahead. According to the directions, after a day or two eating plain rice and veggies the hives should go away. They didn't, instead I developed something like arthritis in my joints. Wow, that was awful. Ever tried to not use your hands AT ALL? It's impossible. After all of that, it probably wasn't an allergy at all, but a virus. Hopefully it will just continue to get better. I'd cross my fingers, but they hurt.
Posted by Hilary at 10:33 a.m. 0 comments
Saturday, June 05, 2010
Dreaming of yogurt
Posted by Hilary at 9:20 p.m. 0 comments
Thursday, June 03, 2010
10 days of hives
Yeah. It sucks.
I've never had a reaction like this before. I have looked at all the external things in my environment and have ruled out soaps etc. Today I have come to the realization that it is something I have lately been eating almost everyday. I thought I was in the clear yesterday, but this morning, the hives were back- full force.
I'm home sick today writing a food journal and researching elimination diets. Even in the darkest gluten-sickness days before I knew I had Celiac disease, I never kept a food journal. I'm not sure why I am so resistant to tracking what I eat. But I'm doing it now. I have figured out a couple of possibilities. I am now on the toughest diet ever. Basically brown rice, fish, fruits and veggies and water. That's it. No dairy, no soy, no gluten free breads, no eggs, no beans, no potatoes and no sugar. I do this until I don't have any hives and then add in one food every 3-4 days. It is recommended that that you wait 21 days before you add in any new foods. I know that I would never last that long, so I'm doing a variation.
Posted by Hilary at 12:24 p.m. 0 comments
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Yeah, sadly I don't mean that sort of hive. I have had hives nearly everyday for the last week. It took a while for me to figure out that no, the cats don't have fleas, I have not been bitten by 100 mosquitoes, and there are no spiders in my bed. It began slowly, but by Saturday morning I woke up covered head to toe with my skin itching so badly it hurt. I got to work early because I knew there was Benadryl there. I spent the day drugged out, there is a good reason you aren't supposed to take it during the day. I'm glad my shift was 12 hours long, because I wouldn't have been safe to drive! I found it really hard to follow a conversation, it seemed everyone was talking for entirely too long and it was tough to pretend that I was able to follow along.
Yesterday, the hives were gone. But when I was heading to bed, I realized that I was itching again. Sure enough, the hives were back. So off I went to the pharmacy. This is very frustrating, I have never had a reaction like this before. I have gone through all of the usual suspects- laundry soap, shampoo, conditioner. I have now narrowed it down to a body wash, coconut or blueberries. I have a sneaking suspicion that there is something on the blueberries. I've certainly eaten a lot of them when they are in season, but I don't think I've ever bought the imported ones. Maybe a pesticide??
UPDATE: oh crappity crap. Turns out blueberries are on the dirty dozen list. The list of the most highly contaminated foods list. They contain up to 52 chemicals on them and their skin is thin enough that the chemicals get into the fruit and can't be washed off. After reading that, the blueberries are going into the garbage. 52 chemicals? I probably just gave myself cancer.
Posted by Hilary at 11:09 a.m. 1 comments
Monday, May 24, 2010
I'm sweet enough
Well it's been more than a week since I gave up sugar. Obviously it's impossible to not eat sugar at all. So maybe it's more accurate to say that I have cut out refined sugar. My co-workers thought I was setting myself up to fail by being too strict. It's not like I'm cutting out fruit because it has sugar in it. I'm just cutting out junk. I actually gave up sugary crap once before and felt much better for it.
So far things have been okay. It was a tough work week, with lots of adrenaline rushes, no time to eat and a heck of a lot of police action- so I pretty much couldn't have chosen a worst week to quit chocolate and sugar. But I did really well. I'm half way through the second week and feeling strong! I learned something too. The more sugar you eat, the less sensitive you become to the sweetness. I had a slip and made myself a hot chocolate last night, but I couldn't even drink it! It seemed so sickly sweet that I didn't want it. Before nothing was too sweet for me.
I also said goodbye to the pump of vanilla flavouring in my soy americanos at Starbucks. Shannon told me it could be done. She was right! At home, there is no more agave or honey in my morning coffee either. I don't notice that big of a change in taste. Previously when a barrista skipped the vanilla flavouring (sugar) I could hardly drink it.
The only disappointment: I had sort of expected my mood/energy level to remain constant throughout the day. I still have lows, and just don't have the skyrocketing highs. Oh well, I'm better off.
Posted by Hilary at 10:27 a.m. 0 comments
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Lunch Box
Posted by Hilary at 11:03 a.m. 1 comments
So I decided that if my clients can kick a 20 year crack addiction, I can kick sugar. Currently at day 3. There is no chocolate in my house, and I know this. For some reason I keep mindlessly looking in my secret chocolate hiding place. The hiding place was taught to me by my Nana. Her theory was if chocolate is kept in the freezer it will have to thaw before it can be eaten, and by that point, the craving will have passed. This theory was inherently flawed, I have no problems eating frozen solid chocolate!
The tricky part is the places that sugary treats hide, like cereal. Haven't we all learned that breakfast during the work week consists of cereal? The rest of the meals don't have such monotony for me, so why be boring with breakfast? (slap chop?) The best part is that I have a jumbo bag of gluten free corn pops in my cupboard, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with those. Although yummy, they don't satisfy for very long. I knew that I needed to find breakfast alternatives so I went off to my local Choices. $80 later I had one bag of groceries. sigh.... Groceries is one area I allow myself to not budget- gluten free vegetarianism isn't cheap. But even for me this seemed a shocking price. I picked up some Agave. It's a natural sweetener, sweeter than sugar so you use less and in theory doesn't give a sugar zing. At 3 times the price of honey, it will be used sparingly. I also picked up some Lara Bars. They are naturally sweet date bars. The ingredients are so simple dates, peanuts, salt- that's it, but so yummy. So I'll feed the sugar cravings with more natural sugars as they have a lower GI (glycemic index) and therefore don't affect blood sugar like sugar/corn syrup/high-fructose does.
I also thought I could fill the cravings buy drinking more tea. I really like tea, but tend to only drink it at home in the fall and winter. I probably have 15 types of tea on hand right now, obviously I must like it. I wonder why I only have 2 types of coffee although I drink it much more frequently? I picked up a extra spicy chai tea to add to the collection. I have a vague plan of switching to decaf coffee and drinking tea instead. Tea makes me feel good, and I secretly think tea drinkers are cooler than coffee whores.
Wish me luck. If you see me licking bags of sugar in the local Safeway then you know I've failed.
Posted by Hilary at 9:58 a.m. 1 comments
Friday, May 14, 2010
One of those days
I like it even less when I can't help someone because they aren't ready or because they're living in denial.
My ears are shut off, I don't want to hear anymore.
I'm not solving any more problems right now. If I had a closed sign, it would be posted.
I don't want to hear about you. I am surrounded by people who talk about themselves.
Okay, my rant is over. I feel better, tomorrow I'll be back to optimistic Hilary who has nothing but time to listen.
Posted by Hilary at 8:00 p.m. 0 comments
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Hottie of the Game
Well! I wasn't sure if the Canucks would have enough heat to make it through one more game. Thank goodness they did, because hiding in the ranks was this hot francophone! Steve Bernier. I'm not sure if he's a bad boy like O'Brien is, (Google O'Brien, he's been getting into lots of trouble in Vancity) but he made the cut tonight. Fingers crossed for game 6!
Posted by Hilary at 7:54 p.m. 0 comments
Friday, May 07, 2010
Holy Hot Damn
Hottie of the game. Shane O'Brien. Did he play tonight? Why watch the game after finding this picture? Let's be honest, he should stop wearing shirts immediately. This post is totally for Sarah who claims she won't watch hockey until they play shirtless. A brilliant suggestion.
Posted by Hilary at 8:59 p.m. 1 comments
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Return of the Hottie
Well given the Canucks' latest performance, we need a change. Shave your playoff beard, change your lucky undies and wash your socks. I think you should all ask yourselves what you can do to turn things around. My part is to bring back the hottie of the game. Oh Kevin.... When you google him, the second most often sought after info is if he is married. So how could I not pick Kevin Bieksa as the hottie of the game?
Posted by Hilary at 9:29 p.m. 2 comments
Labels: Hockey, Hottie of the game
Friday, April 30, 2010
I just realized that May 1st marks two years being gluten-free! It feels like longer, not because I feel punished, but because I've lived so much more in the last 2 years. Being sick every day for a decade really hampered me. In truth, it almost killed me. My new co-workers will sometimes make comments about how I'm missing out, or how they feel sorry for me. I don't miss gluten! I have had nightmares that I accidentally eat gluten. Who would miss the stuff that nightmares are made of?
I am steadily reading Gluten-Free Girl's book, savouring every word. She is a genius and totally inspirational. I could go on and on about her. But I'll end with her most important lesson: we aren't saying "no" to gluten, but saying "yes" to life. So why should anyone feel sorry for us gluten-free girls?
Posted by Hilary at 10:31 p.m. 0 comments
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I was suppose to have cancelled my cable tv once the olympics were over. I don't watch very much TV, but I do watch movies and tv off of the internet. I thought I would connect my laptop to my TV so I could watch on a bigger screen. I thought it would be as easy as connecting the two. Turns out it's not. I need a converter and like 3 cables. I couldn't find a converter locally, good thing I love internet shopping! I finally found one on Ebay, or course the seller is in Hong Kong. There is probably a 50% chance that its not a total piece of crap. This is what I bought:
Posted by Hilary at 6:58 p.m. 0 comments
Monday, April 12, 2010
New Gadgets!
Ever since Nunavut Newbie tracked me down through her stat counter, I started thinking that I really have fallen behind in blogging gadgets (features). So I did a bit of searching. You don't even want to know the amount of info the new stat counter gives me. It'll probably tell me what colour your socks are. But don't let that deter you from stopping by!
I have also added a facebook and twitter link. Say you see something you like, and want to share it? Well just click on the social networking button you prefer. I'm not on twitter, so if you do tweet about me, I'd probably never know. (Although I would be very flattered!)
My favorite gadget is the new "Followers" section. I'm not totally certain what it does, but I hope that if you become a follower of my blog, it will notify you when I update. Please add yourself and let me know how it works.
My obsession with all things north continues. I find Nunavut blogs really interesting, but I have no interest in moving there. Nunavut Newbie's latest post shows a 12 pack of coke cans for $59! Can you imagine? Although the wages are higher than the rest of Canada, I would blow all of my money online shopping for gluten-free food.
Posted by Hilary at 6:43 p.m. 1 comments
Friday, April 09, 2010
Murphy's Law?
So why is it just when I commit myself to working at a job, the job I had been hoping for starts calling? Better yet, why do they have to call me when I'm sitting in a room with my boss? Awkward! It was so obvious that the phone call was for a job.
Turns out the dream job was only hiring for casual employees and didn't like my availability. No interview. Had my boss not been in the room, I might have tried to argue that I could easily work both jobs. They don't know what kind of workaholic I am. When I got off the phone, I fessed up to having put my resume in a year ago and it was my dream job at the time. I didn't want her to think that I'm actively looking for work (2 weeks into the job). I do plan on re-submitting my resume in a couple weeks. I don't want them to forget about me when they have full-time positions, it's a better paying gig. Guess I'm starting to look pretty good on paper...
What else? Well, this week I have said adieu to the bus (for a while). I'm driving in my new (to me) car. I have to admit I don't like driving in rush hour traffic. Not because of the slow moving traffic, but because there is so much happening. It's so much easier to drive around on empty streets! I also suck really bad at parking. Parallel? Tight spot? Forget it. I did manage to get into my work parking spot on the first try two days in a row! This is an amazing feat considering it's a cramped lot with angle parking that I have to back into. Sooner or later I'll get used to it, right? Sometimes, I'd rather take the bus though.
One of these days I'll upload pictures, stay tuned.
Posted by Hilary at 8:13 p.m. 2 comments
Monday, March 15, 2010
moments of brilliance
I think I need to credit Heidi Fleiss with this particular moment of brilliance. No I'm not planning on being a cracked out hollywood madam. Heidi now owns a high end laundromat.
Although my building has laundry, there are a lot of restrictions. One of the most inconveinient is that I cannot wash blankets or other bulky items. The landlady suggests we use the local laundromat. I did a walk-by and was horrified. Not only did I find the place dirty and gross looking, but the clientelle made me think that I would probably end up coming home with bed bugs. I wouldn't want to wait around in such a place, but I also wouldn't want to leave my belongings there. So my alternative has been to bring dirty laundry with me when I visit people. I'm sure people really like to see me coming. 3 blankets, 2 bathmats and 2 cat beds in tow.
Last night I watched a bit of Celebrity Rehab which showed Heidi Fleiss's laundromat. It was really nice looking with new flashy washers and dryers. This got me thinking. I think that I should open a high-end laundromat with free wi-fi, a barista offering lattes. Or what if while your clothes spun in the dryer, you could get a pedicure? Not only would the grubbies not be interested in these services, but it would make doing laundry more enjoyable. Put in a high-end neighbourhood, I could charge higher prices, in no time I'd be a milionare!
~ betcha this post is going to bring some interesting traffic to my site. Sorry, this blog has nothing to do with madams, brothels, celebrities or rehab. Please move along. okay time for another graveyard shift.....
Posted by Hilary at 7:49 p.m. 1 comments
Friday, March 12, 2010
on the go blogging as I test out my sister's new mac laptop. Nice, but I'm not sure if I want to invest in a fancy new laptop yet.
Posted by Hilary at 8:10 p.m. 0 comments
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Not up
Well, I'm sure glad to see that my core readership stayed with me. For a long while I was working 6-7 days a week at two jobs. It didn't leave for much of a life that was worth blogging about. I have changed my schedule around so I fit 6 working days into 5 days. How? Well, I got a promotion!
Of course just as I made the major decision to look for work up north, that's when I got a job that will keep me here for a while. So, no more graveyard shifts for me. Just as well, since it's easy to sleep in the winter when it's so dark and dreary. I think it would have been a whole other challenge to sleep during the mid-day heat of the summer. I know you all got excited about me living a Northern Exposure-esque life. But I haven't given up on that idea. At this point, my plan is to give this job another 6 months or so. It doesn't pay well enough for me to commit to them long term. In that space of time, a new union contract will come in. My hope is the federal government will stop paying Newfie wages and start paying Vancity wages. Unlikely, since it is the stupid Harper government.
Now that I have accepted the job, I'm sure the dream northern job will inevitably be posted.
Posted by Hilary at 10:53 a.m. 1 comments
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Sometimes a blogging gal just wants to test the dedication of her reading audience. I mean, can you really call yourself a true fan of my blog if more than a week goes by before you notice this amazing update??? Go ahead and look down at the bottom to see when I posted this. I'll wait.
What have I been doing in the mean time? Good question. Changing jobs, breaking rules, failed real estate endeavours of dilapidated properties, cheering everything Canadian, getting in trouble for breaking rules. Currently I'm waiting patiently for an announcement from my boss as to whether or not I will be working the day shift rather than graveyards. In the meantime, I began to reevaluate if financially, it would be better to move out of the Vancity area. You see, the government has proposed changes for first-time home owners. Gone are the 5% down days, thank you sub-prime lenders. The proposed changes would require first-timers to put down a ridiculous 20%. Given that the average price of a modest house is $500 000, that's a $100 000 down payment. I can't foresee saving that kind of cash.
So I started looking for jobs farther away again. My lease is coming up, so why not? I found a great job that pays a ton in the Northwest Territories. In a very small town of 1200 people. I have spent hours reading blogs to learn more about this town. I wondered if a single, vegetarian, gluten-free girl could make it in such isolation. I thought I might be okay as I am adept at the art of internet shopping. I was all set to apply but then I realized that in a small town, I would be faced everyday with people whose lives I may have changed in dramatic ways. Example, what if I did a house visit and wrote a report stating that a kid should be removed from the house. I would see those parents around town, with only 1 grocery store in town, it would be impossible to avoid. I think in time, I would feel very alone.
So I decided to not apply for this position, but apply for a similar position in a larger town. It would be an amazing experience and good for my career. I have a little dream that I will start a new blog, about my northern adventures. In my mind the experience will be like Northern Exposure. I'm working on the blog title. There are some amazing NWT blogs out there. Right now I'm reading Townie Bastard's blog. A newfie political journalist (who used to write the Clarenville Packet!!!) who moved to Nunavut. (Theresa, insert Micah joke here.) www.towniebastard.blogspot.com It's a little heavy on the Newfie politics, but still really good.
And my other favorite is a written by a musician/bartender and his partner who moved to Nunavut from Ontario. http://jordanandsteph.blogspot.com/ They are still in their early days, and have just discovered that curling is cool. Their biggest tip? Be social, don't hunker down just because it's -45 degrees.
And possibly the best blog I have ever seen http://newnavut.blogspot.com/. She chronicled her journey from the start. Sort of a "how-to" for moving to the arctic. The thing she wishes she packed more of? kitty litter! Who would have thunk? What coat to buy? She's got the answer.
Okay, so maybe you aren't so obsessed with the idea as I am. I have been thinking about doing this for the last 3 years. Believe me, these graveyard shifts give me the opportunity to do a lot of internet reading. But you never know, maybe you'll be hoping on a "First Air" flight to visit me one day. So read up.
Posted by Hilary at 12:22 a.m. 6 comments