I was suppose to have cancelled my cable tv once the olympics were over. I don't watch very much TV, but I do watch movies and tv off of the internet. I thought I would connect my laptop to my TV so I could watch on a bigger screen. I thought it would be as easy as connecting the two. Turns out it's not. I need a converter and like 3 cables. I couldn't find a converter locally, good thing I love internet shopping! I finally found one on Ebay, or course the seller is in Hong Kong. There is probably a 50% chance that its not a total piece of crap. This is what I bought:
There was a seller in the USA that was selling a very similar one for $50 plus shipping. Too much. This one was $19 including shipping. Fingers crossed....
Also, look to the right. All of the blogs I follow have been added to my links section. Ch-ch-check em out!
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