Thursday, March 11, 2010

Not up

Well, I'm sure glad to see that my core readership stayed with me. For a long while I was working 6-7 days a week at two jobs. It didn't leave for much of a life that was worth blogging about. I have changed my schedule around so I fit 6 working days into 5 days. How? Well, I got a promotion!

Of course just as I made the major decision to look for work up north, that's when I got a job that will keep me here for a while. So, no more graveyard shifts for me. Just as well, since it's easy to sleep in the winter when it's so dark and dreary. I think it would have been a whole other challenge to sleep during the mid-day heat of the summer. I know you all got excited about me living a Northern Exposure-esque life. But I haven't given up on that idea. At this point, my plan is to give this job another 6 months or so. It doesn't pay well enough for me to commit to them long term. In that space of time, a new union contract will come in. My hope is the federal government will stop paying Newfie wages and start paying Vancity wages. Unlikely, since it is the stupid Harper government.

Now that I have accepted the job, I'm sure the dream northern job will inevitably be posted.


Karen said...

sorry to hear you are not going, but GLAD to hear you are staying.