Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lunch Box

Okay I admit it. I'm blogging up a storm because I'm avoiding something I don't want to do. I had planned to go the pool today and swim laps but.... I don't want to get in my bathing suit. Gah! It's raining so I'm not going for a walk along the boardwalk. I'll go use the depressing bunker/gym later today. Picture it: a small windowless cement room with a 7 foot ceiling crammed with exercise equipment. The ceiling is already low, but for some reason they added a huge ceiling fan in the middle. Even I have to duck going under it. Clausterphobics couldn't hack it in there.

Wait, this post is about my lunchbox. I'm oh so in love. I bought the above lunchbox minus the bag and water bottle. Its actually fun to pack my lunch. Although I can cook at work and eat anything I want out of the pantry, I don't. It's a Celiac's worst nightmare. The cross contamination is everywhere! The kitchen counters are butcher block; wood absorbs gluten and passes it on even after bleaching. Communal living means too many hands are touching the food. Food prep is done with gloves and following food safe, but those precautions aren't nearly enough to keep me gluten-safe. Prison food is high carb, so it's not surprising that my clients continue to eat carbs afterwards. I can put tofu in the fridge without putting my name on it and know with absolute certainty that no one will ever touch it. My food preferences are nothing like my clients or even most of my co-workers who seem to survive on Mr. Noodles and Wonderbread!
Unfortunately my lunch bag got contaminated with roast beef blood, so I was in the market for a new lunch bag. Luckily I remembered my old favorite blog "Vegan Lunchbox!" The mom who wrote it has mostly moved on the other ventures, but she used to pack her son's lunch in these lunchboxes and post pictures of his lunch. It was genius! She was creative and got her son to eat so healthy because his lunch looked good. Since the Canadian dollar was almost at par, and Vegan Lunchbox had a discount code, I ordered one for myself! Everyone who sees it comments on it. If you are interested, I have a link to her blog on the right. On her site she has a link to the company that makes the lunchboxes Laptop Lunchbox, be sure to use the discount code!


Ryan and Sarah Sutherland said...

love the lunch box!!
Very cute!