Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Good Ideas, I'm full of them

But not flush with the money needed to accomplish much of anything. The job hunt is always ongoing, not because I'm unhappy where I'm at... (hello co-workers reading my blog)... but because if something amazing comes along, I don't want to miss it. There are a couple of communities that I really would like to move to. But there is a big problem, a total lack of social services. I started thinking, rather than waiting for the job, why not go out there and create the program? I did a half assed attempt today to try and talk the uppitty-ups into expanding our services there. Not much luck.

It's kind of frustrating. I am sort of thinking that I should just write a proposal and see what happens. I have done my homework. The community had a 10.6% growth rate from 2001-2006 (judging by the number of new homes in the last few years, this rate has continued). It is serviced by 2 social service agencies, one who focuses on youth and another that focuses on homeless people. There are no services specifically for women except one small house for women fleeing abuse. What I want to propose is a women's drop-in centre for street women (providing basic needs) and a second stage housing/BC housing complex for women and children. You'd think I'd be able to talk my feminist social service agency into this....right? Anyone out there have secret skills in writing proposals? If so contact me.