Monday, May 24, 2010

I'm sweet enough

Well it's been more than a week since I gave up sugar. Obviously it's impossible to not eat sugar at all. So maybe it's more accurate to say that I have cut out refined sugar. My co-workers thought I was setting myself up to fail by being too strict. It's not like I'm cutting out fruit because it has sugar in it. I'm just cutting out junk. I actually gave up sugary crap once before and felt much better for it.

So far things have been okay. It was a tough work week, with lots of adrenaline rushes, no time to eat and a heck of a lot of police action- so I pretty much couldn't have chosen a worst week to quit chocolate and sugar. But I did really well. I'm half way through the second week and feeling strong! I learned something too. The more sugar you eat, the less sensitive you become to the sweetness. I had a slip and made myself a hot chocolate last night, but I couldn't even drink it! It seemed so sickly sweet that I didn't want it. Before nothing was too sweet for me.

I also said goodbye to the pump of vanilla flavouring in my soy americanos at Starbucks. Shannon told me it could be done. She was right! At home, there is no more agave or honey in my morning coffee either. I don't notice that big of a change in taste. Previously when a barrista skipped the vanilla flavouring (sugar) I could hardly drink it.

The only disappointment: I had sort of expected my mood/energy level to remain constant throughout the day. I still have lows, and just don't have the skyrocketing highs. Oh well, I'm better off.