Sunday, March 19, 2006

"I am a butterfly in the sun"

Well, to stop all the questions. No I didn't get the VPLibrary job. I didn't expect to anyways. But I think that's kind of a blessing in disguise. Being on call for all 20 of the branches would suck, and they require you to work 20 hours.
Besides I have a line on an even better job. Yes I have applied for it. And no I'm not saying what it is. I don't want to ginx myself twice. Oh but I will say what it's not -pole dancer, nude model, slaughter house worker, Conservative party spokeswoman or McDonald's slave worker. I turned them all down.
I think that if you put yourself in the right place, things will happen. Which is why I avoid silver poles, painters, slaughter houses, Mr. Harper and McDonald's.

Regarding the stress quiz, it doesn't look good folks. I see heart disease in your futures. Perhaps you need an affirmation to repeat to yourselves? You're supposed to write these on a index card and put them where you will see it.
~ Success is to be enjoyed
~ My family will benefit from my relaxing more
And my personal favourite
~ There are beautiful things happening in my life daily
See now don't you feel better? No? Well open up your window, stick your head out and yell as loudly as you can. "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!!!" hahaha!

This checklist is for Micah:

Do people tell you that you need to calm down?
Do you feel tense much of the time?
In your community or job, do you find yourself not saying what is on your mind?
When you are upset do you try to block the world out (i.e.: watch TV, Listen to the radio, go to sleep)?
Do you have trouble falling asleep?
Do you feel misunderstood much of the time?
Do people comment on how much you yell or curse?
Do your friends not seek you out as often?
Do you find it difficult to stay on task?
Do you feel like your world is chaotic?

This isn't a check list that is used by the pro's, it isn't scientific at all. How many Yes's are okay? Well it depends, mostly because a lot of these question could be used to screen for ADD/ADHD as well. It is the combination that is important. Actually you could just about qualify for a Manic Episode depending on which questions you say Yes to. Hmm chew on that for a couple days, perhaps that's the problem.