Tuesday, March 14, 2006


I've been doing some research. The book sales are going okay. All my inventory sources have been tapped. (Except for Shannon who is averaging 3 books a week now that she's the owner of the daycare.) So I need to find a way to get more books. I was reading what the pro's do, apparently you can buy books wholesale and they will be delivered to you. That sounds good to me since I don't drive. After spending several hours searching I found nothing. So the other suggestions from the pro's have been garage sales, thrift stores and digging through Barnes and Noble's dumpsters. There aren't any garage sales this time of year, thrift stores sounds okay. I think I'm going to checkout VV and Salvation Army. As for dumpster diving...well, I have FAR too much pride to do that.

If I was really sneaky I would dive into the huge "Books for Africa" bins that are all over campus. Students throw their textbooks into them if the bookstore isn't buying them back. Then the books are listed on Amazon and like 1 cent from every 100 textbooks sold goes to Africa. I'm sure that security would get me- but it is very very temtping. The money made on textbooks is crazy. I'd love to only sell textbooks. Maybe I should set up my own bin "Books for Hilary."

As I now have about 500 books for sale, I think I need a system. Currently they are boxed according to the date recieved. Alphabetical would make much more sense, oddly enough I only just thought of this. I'm thinking I should get a shelving unit. Sarah I remember you saying that there are shelves at Shannon M's house for me? would that work?


Ryan and Sarah Sutherland said...

yes there is a shelf you can have that is taking up space in the McNeney's basement.
It is just a wooden slat open kind of shelf, but workable.

You applied for a job in a library and have only just remembered about alphabetical?