I was walking past my window and happened to look out at the street. I see a guy getting dressed at the dumpster.
It took him about 45 minutes to do. I wish I had a better zoom on my camera. When I looked out, he had a shirt and black dresspants and loafers on, but the pants were undone, and he was trying to tuck in his I heart NY t shirt. After that came a pair of suspenders. And then a head scarf thing as if he was in Kung-Fu. Then a trench coat 5 sizes too big. That messed up the Kung-Fu headband. So he had to start over. After a lot of adjusting he got all his clothes on.

He also had a breifcase and a duffle bag and a walking cane. It took him a very long time to get everything as he wanted. I tried to get a picture of the final outfit, but it didn't turn out very well. But he was talking to himself in a pretty loud voice.
It is by far the strangest thing I have seen this week. I don't know if there was some sort of costume party or if it is
somehow linked to the lunar cycle.
Really not a good picture. This is on max zoom through a dirty window and a window screen. To me he looks a little columbine.
NOTE- if you click on the above pictures you can see more detail.
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