I really am going to put an fake ad in the "I saw you" section.
I have a theory that people will pretend to be the person in the ad. My other theory is that other people are also making up false ads to meet people. But I don't know how to test that, other than to respond to every ad and seeing how many people don't care that I'm not "the one." So excercise your creativity and write a good "I saw you" ad. If it's good, you may see it published very soon. I'm going to put a 1 week deadline on submissions. 

I saw you at Starbucks on Robson St. We shared a knowing stare about the crazy dude in front of us. I wish I had kept the communication going and struck up a conversation.
Let's meet and discover what we have in common.
I saw you outside GM place last night wearing your Daniel Sedin canucks jersey and jeans. You had blonde hair and a canucks hat on. I had a Henrik Sedin jersey on. WE kept making eye contact. Let's see if we can be twins away from the rink too.
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