Saturday, April 28, 2012

Campbell Valley Park

The daffodils from the Bradner daffodil festival.  I love the combo of yellow and green.
 I haven't posted a picture of a juice for a while.  This one was so pretty.  Kiwi, granny smith apple, cucumber, mango and spinach.  Really yummy.

The weekend started off with a dinner in Langley at the Olive Garden with the 4 people I trained with.  The food was pretty good, I splurged on gluten-free pasta.  It was great to catch up with my old co-workers.

Today I went for a different walk.  I went to the Campbell Valley Regional Park in Langley.  I thought it was a couple minutes further west of the Aldergrove Lake park.  It wasn't.  It was a lot further than I thought.  On the map it was just a couple of blocks, I didn't take into account that they were neverending country blocks.  It was a pretty enough walk, but it was very flat, not challenging.  Even more annoying, the trails were really, really busy.  A tour bus full of asian tourists pulled up just as I arrived.  Not a good sign.

I did the main part of the trail, it only took maybe 35 minutes, and then I was back at the parking lot.  There is another trail that is 11Km, that is more of a horse trail.  I backtracked to a side trail that was much better but still totally flat.  The main trail was just a gravel road, I preferred this sort of trail, even with the mud.

I might go back to this park to do the longer trail.  But next is the Houston trail in Fort Langley.  The receptionist at massage therapy recommended it to me.  Apparently it's going to kick my butt.

Tomorrow is sushi lupper (lunch and supper) in New West with Whitney. Feels like a whole lotta driving this weekend.