Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Screw You Canada Post!

I am so angry with Canada Post. I bought some shipping supplies from them for my Amazon sales. I wasn't home when the package arrived, so they sent it to the post office. But they didn't send it to one near me. The sent it to a post office in Burnaby! If I drove, this wouldn't be a huge problem. But this post office isn't on a bus route.

I called customer service and asked them to send the parcel to the post office near me. Request denied. Apparently there is some kind of contract in place- the post office in Burnaby handles packages for my my postal code. Ok. Fine. I requested that they redeliver my package. Request denied. So I make my 5th phone call, to the national customer service centre. They confirm that there are 3 post offices closer than the one where my parcel is being held hostage. But the friendly lady on the phone said that there is nothing I can do, even she said this is ridiculous! As long as this contract is in place, my parcels will continue to be sent to Burnaby.

I think this is horrible customer service. If I could boycott them, I would. Eventually I might pick up the parcel. I have until the 20th to do so. I was thinking I might demand service in French from now on. Poste Canada n'est pas? That's right. Canada Post is a run by the federal government. As such, I have the right to demand service in BOTH official languages. Watch out Burnaby Post Office! You have a French speaking customer coming your way, and no I don't understand a bloody word of English.