This post is a complete mix of things that don't warrant their own posting.
I'm back in school now. I think this will be a very tough semester. Demanding profs that are as famous as Britney Spears- at least in the psyc world. Wasn't it just last week I was complaining that I was bored? Not anymore.
Sarah gave me some very good movie suggestions. I managed to watch Wimbeldon, The Matrix III and the new Bond movie last week. All of them worth watching. I love Paul Bettany he was in Wimbeldon, a Knights Tale and the Da Vinci Code. The only movie he was in that I didn't like was the Da Vinci Code. Although I think he played his freaky albino character very well. I watched the Da Vinci code for the same reason I watched Titanic- because everyone said it was soooooo good. Wrong!
Changing gears...
Pierre Trudeau's son Justin is entering federal politics! I don't often get excited about politicians, but Justin has been the spokesman and advocate for Katimavik for the last five years. He was also active in raising awareness of Darfur. He made a documentary about his trip to Darfur, it aired on CBC. He has also done some environmental stuff that I can't remember right now. He seems like a very good person, I think that he will do good things.
The view from my computer chair. I don't know if you can tell? A tree has fallen down into the ravine and broke the fence.

Last weekend was my work Xmas party. In retail it's too busy to do it in December (plus moving to the new store). There are always lots of prizes and gifts from the sales reps. This year there was a motorcycle! It is one of those battery powered ones. When I was little I wanted a barbie jeep. My boss Lina won it, she is the most proper Italian lady ever, but she was a good sport and hopped on.

I had a little mini new years resolution to get rid of one of my credit cards. I decided my Molson Canadian Mastercard wasn't giving me any perks. It was so much fun to chop it up! It was 2 days later when I realized that it's the card that I use for my cell phone and Vonage as well as all of my online purchases. Ooops! I spent the next day changing my billing information with all those companies.