Tuesday, June 26, 2012

moving weight

Ah yes, that awkward moment when you realize you have stumbled into something you shouldn't have.  I was at the Aldergrove lake trail, and decided to see where a well travelled side trail went.  It was basically a goat trail through the bush up a steep hill.  It rained a lot yesterday, and the trail was pretty muddy, tough going.  I got to the top of the trail and it opened up into a clearing. ... I was in a berry field?  Why is there a trail up to a berry field?  I walked all the way along the length of the field trying to find out where to go from there.  It took me about 5 minutes to walk all the way to the end, nothing but barbed wire.  How was I going to get back to the main trail from here?  But there was no where else to go except south into the berry field or back the way I came. 

Along the back of the field was a 6 inch diameter pipe that ran the length of the field.  I noticed that someone had spray painted the pipe with arrows.  I figured the arrows must be pointing the way to go.  They pointed me back to the steep muddy trail I had just come from.  The trail was marked with spray painted words "TD Black."  I have no idea what that means.  The trail was so muddy and steep, I had a hard time going up, I really did not want to go down the trail.  But there were no options. Down I went, with a stick in one hand, grasping on to whatever I could to stop myself from falling. About half way down, I stopped to rest.  It was then that I realized that I had traipsed through some sort of stinging nettle or poison oak.  4 hours later, my legs are still on fire.  

By the time I reached the end of the goat trail, I had figured out what this trail was all about.  No one is going to climb up a hill like that, that was 20 minutes from the parking lot, in the middle of the park to go steal strawberries and raspberries.  But, this berry field is on Zero avenue, and the arrows were pointing the way out of the field.  Yup, I had stumbled along a drug smuggler's trail.  Whoops!  Sorry about that... moving on.