Saturday, June 16, 2012

Cat Toilet training

Well week one is over. 

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

It was the best because I have hardly any kitty litter to sweep up.  The cats used to love the feel of flinging cat litter off of their four paws as they stepped out of their box.  It went everywhere, and created dusty conditions that really stood out on my dark wood floors.  It took about 24 hours for the cats to accept the new place to do their business.  I read that some cats don't and they either hold it in until they are sick, or use your bed/sink/laundry basket/carpet.  My secret? Cat treats.  Each trip to the cat box earned a handful of cat treats.

It was the worst of times because Salem sits in the middle of the Litter Kwitter and pees over the edge and on to the floor every single time.  It's not the end of the world because it's onto the tiles and it takes a minute to clean it up and wash the floors.  But it's annoying.  She's doing fine on number 2's.  Marley is a toilet rock star, she totally gets it.  We are supposed to stay on this stage for 2 weeks until they don't pee/poo in other places in the house.  Since they have never done this, we are moving on. 

So today we are moving to the next phase.  There is now a small hole in the middle of the litter "box".  If we're lucky they will start accidentally doing their business down the hole (and not freak out).  It will maybe also teach them how to perch correctly, since Salem won't feel so comfortable sitting in the middle.  Hopefully this will fix Salem's crappy squatting.  We have also changed to flushable litter so any litter that gets pushed into the toilet won't be a problem.

Update, Salem did not think the change was a good thing from 3am to 5am last night.  She voiced her displeasure - keeping me up half the night.  We compromised by me putting the Litter Kwitter on the floor for her to use instead (she was happy with that arrangement).  In the morning, the Litter Kwitter went back up on the toilet, and she used it again (no pee on the floor!).  I'm thrilled.  Marley thinks the hole is fun.  She keeps putting her arm down the hole and splashes around with the toilet water.  She also likes to push litter into the hole to and watch the splash.  So basically she's a 2 year old child learning about the potty.  I'm cautiously optimistic.


Ryan and Sarah Sutherland said...

congrats to you and the cats.
I am even considering this for Lexi now!!

Ryan and Sarah Sutherland said...

and i would like pictures of them playing with the hole please