Sunday, May 04, 2008

Artsy Fartsy

A few weeks ago, Whitney invited me to the Undergrad Art show. Last year the show was centrally located near Granville skytrain station. This year, the show was in an empty warehouse.

Lots of the art was different, totally beyond my very limited knowledge of art. This was one of my favorites. Tiger, Zebra, Dog and Owl. I like the zebra the best.

At the entrance of the warehouse was a square of what looked like Vaseline on the floor. Because it was right at the doorway, people didn't see it and would walk right into it. I hear by the end of the night they had to rope it off with toilet paper (slippery floors are a liability!)

There was a good turnout. This is a random shot of the lower floor (there was more on the second floor). I would have taken more pictures, but no one else was, and it felt like I was doing something wrong. I asked Whitney, and she said it was ok. Notice the giant whale pinata in the background, it was broken at the end of the night after we left. I don't know what was in it, but fish guts seems much more appropriate than candy. Also notice that there is a log on the floor. I don't know what it means or why it's art.

The girls in charge of the bar filled the wine glasses to the brim (for $4!!) By the time I left, I was loaded! Apparently so was this art lover. He purposely stood in some poor students artwork. I may not understand gookey stuff on the floor, but I'm sure the kid who did it wouldn't have like this guy destroying it. In the background is a mural made out of pennies.