Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Step Away From The Wheat!

Wheat. If you know me at all you know that wheat is my enemy. My Darth Vader. It's sort of like an addiction, I crave it, but it makes me incredibly ill. I used to be able to eat wheat in small quantities and be okay. But wheat is like Crystal Meth. One day I'm indulging as a treat when I go out on the town. And then one day I'm a strung out junkie curled up on the bathroom floor at 4am wanting to die.

One week ago I decided that going home sick from work or laying on the couch all day is no way to live. I want to be like everyone else and eat bread at a restaurant, or eat my favorite foods and not suffer for it. I hate going to a restaurant and being the centre of attention. "Can you eat anything here?" Nothing makes me feel more like a circus freak.

After a particularly bad wheat binge, I did a little re-evaluation. Why am I doing this to myself? I need to be Wheat free. I have been reading a lot about Celiac disease lately. I suspect that's what wrong with me (and what's been wrong with me for the last 7 years). Celiacs can't eat gluten (wheat-spelt/kamut, rye or barley) it causes the body to attack itself and destroys the intestines. I have been tested and am waiting for the results. In the meantime, I have been living the gluten-free lifestyle. I don't remember feeling so good ever in my life. It's been years since I actually slept through the night (I've slept through the last 7 in a row!!) Either way the test results come out, I have learned that gluten is not good for me. It's like I'm sober now, and I can see what the drug was doing to me.

I know that my blog is never this personal, but I wanted to remember the day that I started to feel good, normal, and maybe even healthy. So, April 30th 2008 was a big day. It was the last day I was sick.