Sunday, May 18, 2008

If a tree falls in the forest?

This week, my grandmother went into a care home. It's sad, and I'm not going to blog about it.
Last week I was given a whole box full of her old photos and I spent several hours going through them. It's strange to see snaps of an entire lifetime. I don't know who a lot of the people are in the photos, and unfortunately, Nana is too blind to be able to see them. So I'm stuck with wondering who the girl is on great-Uncle Lawrie's arm.
There were a few pictures I knew. No explanation needed. Any Vancouverite worth their salt should recognize the above pic. This is a famous hollowed-out tree stump in Stanley Park. Unfortunately, it is about to be (or may have already been) cut down because it was damaged and deemed unsafe. The mind truly boggles, here is my great-Uncle Lawrie and some buddies in the 1930's all dressed up, and I stood there 75 years later and took a picture with my portable phone! So much change.
I think this is my new favorite picture. My previous favorite was of my grandma's cousin Violet Hall and family on the Capillano suspension bridge in the late 1910's. I'll digg it up and post it soon.