Friday, June 01, 2007

Movies etc

It's been a while since the last post. I went to the drive in movie for the first time, it was pretty good, but I wish it didn't go so late. Pirates of the Carribean was too long (3 hours long), and I was falling asleep. But it is a decent eye-candy movie. Driving home at 3:30 in the morning made me a little nervous because we passed a really bad accident on the #1. It was a flipped SUV that ran into an overpass, I avoided the news the next day because I didn't want to hear how many people died. There is no way anyone lived through that crash. Anyways, Ocean's 13 is opening soon, any one want to go? I have a movie pass which is about to expire, so I gotta go and see the movies instead of downloading them.

Catching up on the camera pics, more kitty cuteness. But don't worry that's the last of the cat pictures for a long while.
And last weekend was the Hyack parade, I saw celebrities. Bill Good and Pamela Martin and Mee Jung Lee.... oh my!


Anonymous said...

oooohhhh and Perrry too standing there on the float!! I love him. Every night at 6 we turn on the news, Russ like Tamara the weather girl and I like Perry the sports man!!!

Hilary said...

Oh that's who that guy is! I don't actually watch CTV news. I'm more of a Global kinda gal. Tamara wasn't there, she was probably too preggers

Anonymous said...

Oh sure...we get Perry Solkowski. You promised us Bill and Pamela. Misleading aren't you???

Anonymous said...

Oh and BTW...those cat pictures are very cute. My room mate has 3 cats and, when they aren't fighting, I swear the two boy cats are lovers because they lick eachother all the time and the spoon just like that!

Anonymous said...

My room mate looked at the pictures and thinks maybe Salem wants a friend!

Hilary said...

Salem does want a friend. But I agreed to take my gramma's cat eventually, and I think that 3 cats is too many. I don't want to be a cat lady..yet