Tuesday, February 27, 2007


We all met at downtown at Saltlik, a steakhouse. It was pretty good.

The martini's were yummy. I was definately in need of a drink. I spent most of the day talking to police after a customer destroyed the store and we had to shut the store down. The even stranger thing is that the same customer then kept calling the store after trashing the joint. He told me on the phone that he saw vampires in the store and he had to do it. My response? "Hold, please..."

Steven and Nicole

Whitney will kill me, but this is the only picture of Ben I got all night. He was more than happy to be the photog for the night.

After Saltlik, we headed out to a bar for a few more drinks. We walked down Granville street. I was definately over-dressed. Next time I will have to wear short shorts and stilleto heels. It seemed to be the uniform of every girl there!

Since we were in the area, we just had to get a shot of us infront of the 2010 clock. There was a security guard making sure that no one messed with the clock.

Good thing we all got the memo about wearing the same thing. Black coats all around

After, we left Whitney and Ben. Kristen was nice enough to offer us a ride to go and meet up with Darren and Blake.

But... where the hell is the car?

walking and walking and walking

20 minutes later....

There it is!!

After meeting up with Darren and Blake we got a cab to New West. Made it into bed just before 4am. I never last that long! Especially after working all day.