I was just shopping in Safeway and I saw a deal that was too good to pass up. They have marked down premium olive oil 50% off! I got a big bottle of organic EVOO (extra virgin olive oil for those not in the know) for $9. Other oils are also half off (walnut, sesame etc). I was at the McBride Safeway, but the markdowns should be at your store too.

Also very exciting news. They have re-done the Canada Food Guide. What should make up most of your diet? Why, fruits and veggies of course. As a veggie, I feel so vindicated! In the old food guide it was recommended that the biggest part of your diet be breads and grains. Also now recommended, add good oil to your diet (like EVOO), and limit bad oils.
So women between 19 and 50 should eat this everyday:
7-8 servings of vegetables and fruit
6-7 servings of grain products
2 servings of milk and alternatives
2 servings of meat and alternatives
30 - 45 mL (2 to 3 Tbsp) of unsaturated oils and fats
7-8 servings of vegetables and fruit
6-7 servings of grain products
2 servings of milk and alternatives
2 servings of meat and alternatives
30 - 45 mL (2 to 3 Tbsp) of unsaturated oils and fats
you can find out more here: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/food-guide-aliment/index_e.html
you can also order your free copy of the guide (I did)
If you are wondering what a serving is, you can also find this information on the website.
The old food guides definately reflected the times. Like war time, it was recommended that you eat at least 3 servings of veggies, at least one of them potato. And it was recommended children drink 1 quart of milk a day. Isn't that 1 Liter? And it was also recommended that you eat liver frequently. eww. No wonder liver is such a hit at old people restaurants!
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