Yesterday I went for a hike in the rain and got soaked through to my underware. It wasn't too bad, except I looked like a drowned rat. I'm glad I didn't see many people on the trail. I don't have real rain gear anymore, so I was ill equiped. I've been waiting around for the rain to stop before I head out, but it looks like that isn't going to happen. No hiking today.
The size medium workout gear arrived, and it all fits. I wish I had consciously thought about what I was doing when I started, it would have been nice if I had weighed myself or took a measurement or two. I think I weighed somewhere around 180 in September, and I remember thinking that all of my jeans had shrunk in the dryer. The scale doesn't really tell me too much. I weigh myself maybe once a month when I'm at the grocery store. Lately I've been hovering between 155 and 160. I've been wearing my skinny jeans for a while now, I remember I couldn't do them up, and the thighs were too tight. Now they are loose, and I have been taking them off without undoing them. And the scale is not budging, so I've been weighing myself less and less because it's going to drive me insane. I'm happy loosing inches... for now.
Next ramble. Watermelon. I wasn't a fan, I thought it wasn't very flavourful. Watery, not sweet, hardly any taste. My taste buds have totally changed. Now I'm totally obsessed with watermelon. It tastes so differently to me now. I can't get enough. The other day I brought a whole mini watermelon for lunch. It can't get any easier packing lunches: 1 watermelon, 1 spoon. Done.
Next ramble. Dogs. I keep thinking it would be nice to have a dog to take with me hiking. As long as I'm renting this isn't going to happen. So for now I'm researching. I want a smaller dog, bigger than a Chihuahua, nothing breakable, but not so big that it's going to kill my cats. Smaller than 20 inches because most stratas don't allow dogs bigger than that. I want it to have enough energy to come with me on a hike, but not so much energy that it's a full time job exercising it. I want it to have short preferably black hair, no long hair. And I don't want a puppy. I have no interest in the house training phase. At first I thought I wanted a boston terrier or a pug, but they are pretty played out. Too many medical problems, and they have breathing problems. The leading candidates:

Manchester Terrier- it's bigger than a mini pincher but smaller than a doberman. This is Dimitri, I think I'm in love with him. I would adopt him tomorrow if I owned my own place.
Rat Terrier- bigger than a Chihuahua, and less crazy than a Jack Russel Terrier. They are smart, and easy to train, and are really good at agility courses (think Super Dogs).
And then there are these awesome dogs from Taiwan. Lots of smaller dogs, strange mixed breeds.
it's like a little mini chocolate lab, short legs.
or this little mini black lab/terrier type thingy.
How can you say no to this little face? Shiba Inu and Formosan mountain dog mix
But I guess it's taking a bit of a risk adopting a Taiwanese dog. Some of them were street dogs, and some were abused. Most of the dogs above were rescued when they were puppies so they aren't wild dogs. Most of them are still in Taiwan, so you don't get to meet them first.
The coolest looking dog (but he's not for me)
See what I mean? There taiwan dogs are different from what you usually see. It's like a Dalmatian and a border collie or something. Guaranteed to have a super crazy high energy level.
What sort of dog person do you think I would be?