Friday, February 25, 2011

another moving post. Seriously

I'm knocking things off my "to-do" list left, right and centre. Today the first load of boxes made it to the final destination, I put in a change of address and have rented a PO Box. To avoid having to change my address twice in 2 months, I decided to rent a PO Box near work and manually change my address again when I have a new home. It cost more than I thought, but it's a lot less work and I kinda like being even less findable. Not that I think someone would hunt me down, but I prefer to remain a lady of mystery. I think this is pretty good considering I also worked and spent another joyful 3 hours commuting to and from work.

I am bracing for snow-mageddon or snow-pocalypse tomorrow. I have about 10 things on my to do list for tomorrow. Dropping off donations, buying paint to do touch ups, figuring out my cellphone options, and more packing and more moving. But depending on how badly the world grinds to a halt, I may opt to be a shut-in and eat chocolate and watch hockey. Or "1 girl, 5 gays" I love that show. I love Yerxa!

There is a point to the pointless post. And that is: if you are ever planning on mailing me something, ask me for my new address.


Ryan and Sarah Sutherland said...

did you delete my previous comment?