I'm knocking things off my "to-do" list left, right and centre. Today the first load of boxes made it to the final destination, I put in a change of address and have rented a PO Box. To avoid having to change my address twice in 2 months, I decided to rent a PO Box near work and manually change my address again when I have a new home. It cost more than I thought, but it's a lot less work and I kinda like being even less findable. Not that I think someone would hunt me down, but I prefer to remain a lady of mystery. I think this is pretty good considering I also worked and spent another joyful 3 hours commuting to and from work.
I am bracing for snow-mageddon or snow-pocalypse tomorrow. I have about 10 things on my to do list for tomorrow. Dropping off donations, buying paint to do touch ups, figuring out my cellphone options, and more packing and more moving. But depending on how badly the world grinds to a halt, I may opt to be a shut-in and eat chocolate and watch hockey. Or "1 girl, 5 gays" I love that show. I love Yerxa!
There is a point to the pointless post. And that is: if you are ever planning on mailing me something, ask me for my new address.
Friday, February 25, 2011
another moving post. Seriously
Posted by Hilary at 11:24 p.m. 1 comments
Thursday, February 24, 2011
it's on
My car is loaded up with boxes. It's official, I am in the process of moving. This move is so different from last time. My last place required 2 months notice. I took my time packing and was really, really organized. I didn't want miscellaneous boxes, every box had a theme to it. I waited until the last moment to pack my kitchen. This time is pretty much the opposite. I made the decision to move on Friday, it's now Thursday and most of my stuff is packed. I have several miscellaneous boxes, and boxes that don't have any labels. I'm sure this will bite me in the butt in the future. I decided that I should pack all of my dishes and cutlery asap. I'm so busy with packing, that the dirty dishes were piling up. It's already my least favorite chore, so I am going 100% disposable until I move. I am giving myself a dishwashing vacation! But fear not. I bought 100% recycled biodegradable stuff with exception of the cutlery. I don't like wooden cutlery. One splinter in my lip was all I needed to learn that lesson!
I've been downsizing a lot. I would like to live in an ultra-modern minimist space. I am not there yet, but packing while watching Hoarders is a good motivator! I try really hard to stick to the rule that if you haven't used it in a year and don't have plans to use it immediately, then get rid of it. Only once or twice have I actually gone out and purchased the same item again. One was a juicer and the other was a manual food processor. The juicer was a mistake, I love it (all over again) but the food processor is so cheap that I have no regrets having to purchase it again. The replacement one is currently sitting in my "to donate" box. It's not worth storing it for the few times a year I use it.
There are a few big items I want to get rid of but there is always someone who thinks I'm crazy. I always feel trapped by my big belongings. I don't like asking for help, and with big furniture, I will never be able to move without help. So far I have said goodbye to my couch, bed frame and big coffee table. I'm thinking of getting rid of my BBQ for the same reason. It's like new- because it's undercover, and because I don't eat meat or put anything directly on the grill. I don't really need a full size BBQ. I'd be perfectly happy with a small one that I can also take with me camping. It's even harder to make decisions when I don't know what my future home will be like.
By the end of this I'm going to trade my bed for a foamy and have all my worldly possessions wrapped in a square of fabric at the end of my fishing stick.
Posted by Hilary at 8:18 p.m. 0 comments
Sunday, February 20, 2011
there is a season....
According to New York Life 13% of parents say that at least one of their adult children has moved back home in the last year and adult children are living with their parents for longer. Of course I want to be "on trend". I have made the huge decison to move back in with the 'rents. The move is partly financial, partly geographical and partly crazy. It's been a decade since I lived at home, so this should be interesting.
So clear your calendars towards the end of march so you can help me move!
Just like 2 years ago, I am changing jobs, moving and going insane all at once. I've started the new job and am suffering with the change. It is not the job I thought I was interviewing for, and instead is exactly what I didn't want. The job description changed after I accepted. I'm torn between trudging through and learning to love it, or continue to job hunt and network my way outta here. Time will tell....
In happier news I have decided what my purpose in life is! No small thing let me tell you. My purpose in life is to give as much to the universe as I take from it. Luckily there are a lot of ways to give back. My goal is to give and recieve equally in all areas. I tend to give too much in one area and recieve nothing in another. I want to be balanced. Oh so new age-y isn't it? I love it!
Posted by Hilary at 7:04 p.m. 1 comments
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
It's not me, it's you
I recently learned that someone really really dislikes me. I don't really care very much, I won't lose sleep wondering why and how I can win them over. This person just isn't important to me and I probably wouldn't be very successful at convincing them of my awesomeness anyways. I sort of wonder how long ago this hatred started brewing, and why someone even bothered to build-up that much anamosity towards me. Let's be honest, what's not to love about me? It seems like a waste of time to hate someone and for them not even to know it.
This is a lesson I learned a long time ago. I was really angry at someone, and would lay in bed at night losing sleep thinking about how much I wanted bad things to happen to her. This went on for months (on and off). One day I saw her and she was completely oblivious to my hatred of her. I realized that she hadn't lost a minute of sleep wondering how to win me back as a friend. In fact, she hadn't even got the memo that we weren't friends anymore. All that time wasted envisoning tragedies befalling her were a complete waste of time. The only one punished was me! Maybe if I had let her know right from the start, she could have shared in the misery. Like a Carlton card that reads "Just a note to let you know, My hatred of you continues to grow".
I don't carry that anger anymore, it felt pretty pointless. But I do kind of feel bad for the person carrying around so much hate for me. I never felt good about myself when I was hating on my ex-friend, and I can't imagine my hater is very happy either. And so I wish for my hater that one day they can let the anger go because it's not hurting me. I even wish my hater good things.
Posted by Hilary at 6:27 p.m. 0 comments