Tuesday, February 27, 2007


We all met at downtown at Saltlik, a steakhouse. It was pretty good.

The martini's were yummy. I was definately in need of a drink. I spent most of the day talking to police after a customer destroyed the store and we had to shut the store down. The even stranger thing is that the same customer then kept calling the store after trashing the joint. He told me on the phone that he saw vampires in the store and he had to do it. My response? "Hold, please..."

Steven and Nicole

Whitney will kill me, but this is the only picture of Ben I got all night. He was more than happy to be the photog for the night.

After Saltlik, we headed out to a bar for a few more drinks. We walked down Granville street. I was definately over-dressed. Next time I will have to wear short shorts and stilleto heels. It seemed to be the uniform of every girl there!

Since we were in the area, we just had to get a shot of us infront of the 2010 clock. There was a security guard making sure that no one messed with the clock.

Good thing we all got the memo about wearing the same thing. Black coats all around

After, we left Whitney and Ben. Kristen was nice enough to offer us a ride to go and meet up with Darren and Blake.

But... where the hell is the car?

walking and walking and walking

20 minutes later....

There it is!!

After meeting up with Darren and Blake we got a cab to New West. Made it into bed just before 4am. I never last that long! Especially after working all day.

Clothing Swap

Friday night was the clothing swap. Whitney and I finally got the chance to give Sarah her Christmas stocking. We had Christmas dinner and gift exchange at Dad's on Wednesday.

Karen, winner of the 1000th blog visitor prize. Lucky girl got 3 racey romance novels. Sarah also recieved a pilot themed novel, and Whitney is currently reading her novels.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

funny and scary

No posts for the last little while as I had entered midterm-hell.

I have a couple stories for you:
I was reading messages in a bookseller forum when I read that Anna Nicole Smith died. I thought "oh my god, is this true?" So where did I go to find out the truth? Perez Hilton. I went to a gossip columnist for breaking news. The irony of this hit me as I was waiting for the page to load.

My other story is from a few weeks ago. I was on the bus heading home about 8:00 at night. I young teenage girl got on the bus followed by a middle aged guy. He sat by her and was really in her personal space. Psychology student that I am, I was analyzing the body language. It was more than a little weird. Too close, really wrong. The girl got off at my stop followed by the guy. She goes left, so does he. She stops, goes right and so does he. She stops again, and he asks her which way they are going to go.

So for some reason I jumped in. I asked the guy if he knew her, he says that he is getting to know her. So I ask her if she wants to talk to him anymore. NO. I start telling the guy to leave and he starts telling me that he isn't planning on hurting her. (I never said anything about hurting her, which makes me think this is exactly what he had in mind.) This escalates until I am yelling at him and eventually he backs off and both the girl and I high-tail it home. This is so not like me, I don't confront creepy guys on the street and yell at them. Anyways, when I got home I realized how stupid that was. And then like 2 days later it occured to me I should have called the cops.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Swedish Twins

Anyone that was at Sarah's bridal shower will know why this is for Lila.

Click on the link. turn your speakers on

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

What a deal!

I was just shopping in Safeway and I saw a deal that was too good to pass up. They have marked down premium olive oil 50% off! I got a big bottle of organic EVOO (extra virgin olive oil for those not in the know) for $9. Other oils are also half off (walnut, sesame etc). I was at the McBride Safeway, but the markdowns should be at your store too.

Also very exciting news. They have re-done the Canada Food Guide. What should make up most of your diet? Why, fruits and veggies of course. As a veggie, I feel so vindicated! In the old food guide it was recommended that the biggest part of your diet be breads and grains. Also now recommended, add good oil to your diet (like EVOO), and limit bad oils.

So women between 19 and 50 should eat this everyday:
7-8 servings of vegetables and fruit
6-7 servings of grain products
2 servings of milk and alternatives
2 servings of meat and alternatives
30 - 45 mL (2 to 3 Tbsp) of unsaturated oils and fats

you can also order your free copy of the guide (I did)
If you are wondering what a serving is, you can also find this information on the website.

The old food guides definately reflected the times. Like war time, it was recommended that you eat at least 3 servings of veggies, at least one of them potato. And it was recommended children drink 1 quart of milk a day. Isn't that 1 Liter? And it was also recommended that you eat liver frequently. eww. No wonder liver is such a hit at old people restaurants!

Thursday, February 01, 2007


What was old, is new again. This seems to apply to just about everything. Clothes, home decor, hair styles, shoes etc. But there are some things that we just don't seem to want to revisit. Like the giant cell phone.
Remember this bad boy? Just look at that antenna! This a cell phone that cannot be lost. How many times have you been unable to find your ringing phone in your huge purse. You dig and you dig, people stare while you frantically search for your tiny phone. You leave it behind at home and work. And how in god's name do you pick the perfect ring tone that really represents you as a person?
But the giant phone solves all these problems. If you don't have 10 pounds of cell phone attached to your belt, you are definately missing something. There is no digging for this phone, it's easy to find. No more ring tones to choose from, there is only one.
I remember seeing these cell phones on Saved by the Bell, and thinking that Slater and Zack were soooo cool.