Tuesday, December 05, 2006

LED's part 3

I decided to undecorate my tree and refund the lights I bought at The Bay. But before I do...

On the box it shows the energy savings. We have all been a little mislead.

Traditional outdoor christmas lights (you know the larger glass bulbs?) running 600 lights for 6 hours a day cost $31.30 a month.

600 traditional minilights run for 6 hours a day for a month costs $6.00

And 600 mini LED lights run for 6 hours a day cost 45cents a month.

My tree has 70 lights on it, so it was costing me 70 cents a month. But now with LED's I am spending 5.25 cents a month. Not exactly the huge savings I was expecting. But I think that the reduced fire risk is worth something.


Anonymous said...

I guess it is just my luck but I am returning 3 more sets of blue LED'S because each of them have a bulb burnt out!! but why i am really here. could you send me your email address to, please?!

Anonymous said...

But 5.25 cents a month compared to 70 cents a month is a savings of... um... math... I think it's 87 per cent but I'm not sure. So really...
And I think- though I"m not sure- that IKEA sells decent LEDs.