Last year I started a food drive at work. (Just for the co-workers) Last year I collected some food, but not a lot. This year I pamphleted the lunch room and harrassed my co-workers. I even talked my boss into donating all our damaged products to the food bank. This is how full it was a week ago. It's hard to tell, but this box is really big. This is about 2 apple boxes full!

Whitney and I spent Xmas day at Nana's cooking her a dinner. It was not a very relaxing day! Nana's stove is at least 40 years old and is gas. So we had to get Nana to teach us how to turn it on.

Because Nana is blind, she hasn't used her oven in a long time. We didn't realize how long until smoke started pouring out of the oven! Nana figured it had been about 5 years since she had turned it on. As a result the smoke detector went off every 5 minutes for the entire day. The stove vents into the kitchen instead of up and out of the house like they do today.

While cooking, a stellers jay came to the window sill, before I could grab my camera she had moved from the ledge to the pear tree.

We managed to cook a feast for 8. However there was only 3 of us, so Whitney and I packed up some TV dinners for Nana, and gave the rest away to homeless people downtown.

I know you aren't looking for praises, but you are a good and decent person and deserve some kudos. Kudos to you! May you inspire more people to be as thoughtful and giving as yourself.
Hil u do attract weirdo's, eh?
Nice to see the xmas pics! thanks! Put up more!
And where is Whit's new couch?
Way to go Hil! That is very cool of you to take the initiative and do that. We definitely need more people like you out there!!
more pics? But I don't have anymore. Until you mentioned it, I didnt realize that I hadn't taken any pics of the new couch. I also didn't get a clear shot of the new fireplace. It is in the corner behind whit and I.
Thanks for the kudos Bax, Shannon and Sarah
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