Monday, September 18, 2006

Catching y'all up

Doesn't it seem like all of a sudden summer is over and autumn is here? Wool socks are now in high rotation, time to put away the flip-flops.

Micah- you little love bird. My step-sister is getting married on a Princess cruise to Mexico. A bunch of people are going. We leave Oct 21 st for a week.

Cathy- It seems it's just your comments that don't show up immediately. Very strange.

It's no secret that I dislike my job and have been looking for something else. My summer job search was disappointing. My employer is hiring 50 new employees in the next week I have no desire to train that many people. In the last month 5 out of 6 of the management people have either quit or gone on long-term medical leave (including the store owner) and all of the pharmacists have quit except one (who is now also working 7 days a week.) I feel bad for my boss who has been working 7 days a week. Up until now I have been working as the Assistant Head Cashier, but I can't keep working 4 days a week while going to school full time. So I began taking courses through my work. Starting sometime in October I will be working as a Pharmacy Technician- less responsibility, and more money. My plan is to gain some experience and then apply elsewhere. We'll see how it works out. Clearly I need to jump this sinking ship!