Friday, September 29, 2006

I saw you! Now please go away!

I love I saw you's. Sometimes there are funny. I like this one.

I think I saw you jogging along my street...
You, tall and lumbering with a Charlie Brown head. It was dark, and I am not used to seeing you without the playstation thingee in your hand and the couch under your ass. If that was you, quit it. It's just poor form to display your sweaty self "accidently on purpose" to the girlfriend of five years that you broke up with while she was cleaning out the kitty litter. Go jog on your own street. Later, heartbreaker.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


If you loved cats in sinks, then you'll love stuff on my!

I give up! I give up!

The softest baby wipe yet!

Do I fit into my skinny jeans yet?

Monday, September 18, 2006


Yesterday I had a customer who is some sort of Halloween expert. He works in the film industry and I think does huge halloween displays. He comes in every year and buys a thousand dollars worth of decorations.

He also goes around and shops for halloween best buys. Shoppers has been a best buy the last few years we had some anatomically correct skeletons that were reasonable. I believe the website guy has used our skeletons as movie props. This year we have cool looking skulls. Check out his website- it has lots of links to cool halloween related websites.

Catching y'all up

Doesn't it seem like all of a sudden summer is over and autumn is here? Wool socks are now in high rotation, time to put away the flip-flops.

Micah- you little love bird. My step-sister is getting married on a Princess cruise to Mexico. A bunch of people are going. We leave Oct 21 st for a week.

Cathy- It seems it's just your comments that don't show up immediately. Very strange.

It's no secret that I dislike my job and have been looking for something else. My summer job search was disappointing. My employer is hiring 50 new employees in the next week I have no desire to train that many people. In the last month 5 out of 6 of the management people have either quit or gone on long-term medical leave (including the store owner) and all of the pharmacists have quit except one (who is now also working 7 days a week.) I feel bad for my boss who has been working 7 days a week. Up until now I have been working as the Assistant Head Cashier, but I can't keep working 4 days a week while going to school full time. So I began taking courses through my work. Starting sometime in October I will be working as a Pharmacy Technician- less responsibility, and more money. My plan is to gain some experience and then apply elsewhere. We'll see how it works out. Clearly I need to jump this sinking ship!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Don't you just love electronic tracking!?

My laptop is almost here! It just got scanned at the Richmond sorting plant. So I should get it tomorrow. What did people do before electronic tracking? Stay at home never knowing when their package might arrive.

I found a toonie on the way home. I think these are 2 good things that are suppose to cancel out the bad day at work. My 4 hour shift on my day off turned into a 7 hour day, no breaks, 3 new employees, 1 one day door crasher sale and one asshole employee that ended in me threatening to write him up when all I really want to do is punch him. So after checking Shannon's blog and seeing the Dalai Lama pic. I think nothing will fix today except reggae played too loudly and canning pears- lots of pears. My neighbours must really wonder about me, they must think I'm a rasta.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Woo Hoo!

I sold 2 textbooks tonight! I'm thrilled since I haven't sold any of the texts I thought I would. BUT...The 2 text I sold are ones that I used at Douglas College. I have a fear that the idiot buyers have bought the wrong edition. As long as they don't return the books I will have had a record setting few weeks. Only another $900 to go and the cruise will be paid!

For some reason comments are not showing up right away. When I publish a new post then all the comments that have been left since the last time I published show up. I don't know why. But don't stop commenting! I'll try to fix it.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

The odds are 1 in 1 688 000

So this is the PNE prize home. I'm going to win it. I went to the PNE on Friday with Ryan, who was here for 2 days. We got to the PNE just before it opened and ran to the prize home to walk through before the line got too long. There were parts of it that I loved, and parts that I hated, but I'll take a free house gladly. The house is really just a rancher, but there is an small open loft-like room on the second floor. Ryan and I agreed that it was a waste of space, they should have made it the master bedroom. We both bought 5 tickets for $25, but I just realized we are total idiots! The tickets are 5 for $25 or 15 for $50, we could have got an extra 5 tickets for the same price! Oh well.

I also bought my self a laptop! I can't afford a nice one, since I have to pay for the cruise. But I did get one that will hopefully get me through the next year of classes. This way I'll be able to get more work done while I'm stuck at school and of course work on my term papers, which will be due just after the cruise. I will actually be one of those horrible people that take their laptops on vacation! I chose the Gateway computer because the Toshiba is $150 more this week. Unfortunately I won't receive the computer for more than a week, as it isn't released until the 8th (pre-sales.)