Saturday, January 18, 2014

Drunken Blogging

It was recently brought to my attention that I have neglected my blog.  Truth be told its because I have lost interest in it.  I am contemplating starting a new blog with a different topic, or maybe just a instagram feed.  We will see. 

So taking advantage of a drunken moment where I am too liquored to go to bed, but also too drunk to do anything else.  Lets sum up the last few months.  I transferred back to the city, bought a condo, love my new co-workers, been busy pretty much every night and weekend.  In short I have a social life.  Its been great, best thing I did was move back.  Best thing I did before that was move away so I found out how much I miss the city.  Does that make sense?  Drunky brain. 

I thought I should explain the drunken blogging, I went to a retirement party for some old co-workers.  What a treat to see some people I hadn't seen in 10 years!  Plus the venue was 2 blocks from home (hello did I mention how I bought a condo in the best location?), so I took advantage of the proximity and drank to excess with people that have known me for ... 16 years.  Fun!  A quick stumble home.

This month is yoga month.  Lovely.  Swear to god, in some classes I have been the star pupil.  I'm kicking yoga's ass.  I'm such a keener, I love to hear that I have lovely form or that I can move into a more advanced position.  Tomorrow I have a 9:30 class, will see how I feel about yoga tomorrow..... 


That White Girl said...

Happy to see a post!