This is the first Halloween that I'm not dressing up or going to a party. There are a couple of reasons:
1. I am have to pay off a credit card within the next 2 weeks. It was one of those- don't pay any interest for a year thingies that got me winter tires last year. So I'm more than a little cash poor. Can't be blowing my money now on booze.
2. Oh Henry bars. They are my kryptonite. I set a goal for myself to get through Halloween without eating a single trick or treat. In years passed I probably ate a bag or two by myself. Fill me with booze and I'll have no power to resist those devilish chocolate coated calorie bombs. I've done amazingly, I haven't eaten a single one. I doubt I'll get any trick or treaters, but if I do, I will give them an apple and ask them not to egg my car.
This last week has been good. I've juiced every day, and have done my burpees in addition to the usual walking. I've also been researching more about raw food. On the surface it looks like there isn't all that much to know... eat fruits and veggies raw right?
Well no! There are different camps. Like raw vegans who eat 80% carbs, 10% fat and 10% protein. They tend to eat mostly fruit. Like eating 30 bananas a day, seriously. I can't help but think that's just an eating disorder with a nicer name. Or the raw vegans who make copies of normal foods. Like un-baked muffins, or raw "pancakes." Or another camp that are all about juice feasting. Juice feasting is when you only drink juice, no eating for up to 90 days. I can't handle that much whole fruit, so I'm doing more of a 50/50 veggies and fruit, eating some and juicing some with a little bit of cooked food. A big glass of veggie/fruit juice is surprisingly filling. Today's intake: brown rice with raisins and soy milk for breakfast, a protein shake at lunch, 2 apples and almonds for lunch and a big juice and half a bagel for dinner. I might have some popcorn tonight, but I'm still way below my max calories for the day. So far, I feel good. I've been reading a lot about people going through nasty detox symptoms when they switch to raw vegan. I'm hoping that this won't happen to me because I haven't eaten the standard american diet in a long time (like meat and fried foods), plus I'm easing into it.
So who am I learning from? Lou Corona- this amazing guy who has been eating raw for 37 years and is 60 but looks 40. It's hard to describe him other than to say he has good energy. If he ever comes to town, I would love to hear him speak. And Dan the Man- he is all about veggie juicing. He is a wealth of information with about 1000 youtube videos. It helps to have the online community out there, cuz god knows I sure don't know any raw vegans. I also don't know any gluten free people either, but I had the determination to do that no problem. I think I can do this too. I wish I lived in the city where there are raw vegan restaurants. Oh well. One day.