Monday, October 08, 2012

Here we are day three!

Yes, it's day three already.  I'm doing a liquids only cleanse.  Fresh juices, smoothies, water, tea and coffee.  Technically, coffee should not be included, but I decided that since I'm already doing a modified cleanse, I would be a little more flexible.  Since I have no intention of giving up coffee,why go through the caffeine withdrawals?  A more traditional cleanse would be juice and water only.  For me, that's too hardcore, and I don't think I'd be able to maintain that.

What's the point?  Why am I doing this?  Basically, juices and smoothies are clean (no fats, no processed junk) and all blended up, so the body can digest it really fast, and with less energy.  It takes a lot of energy to breakdown food, especially meat.  A big percentage of the smoothies and juices are absorbed at the first part of the intestines.  A small amount still goes through the intestinal track.  With nothing really coming in, the intestines can clear out anything that has been hanging around.  The end result should be more efficient digestion and better absorption of nutrients.  Plus a little weight loss as the body uses up fat stores to compensate for the low fat intake.  And, I just wanted to see if I could do it.  And I was struggling with the 80/10/10 fat intake, this should make it easier to stick to since my current carb/protein/fat ratio is about 90/5/5.

I'll be honest, I had my doubts that I would have the will power to last 24 hours. I thought I would cave in and gorge on hummus by the end of the day.  During the day has been easy, the evenings are always my biggest challenge.  I usually crave fat at night.  But last night it was popcorn.  Instead I had a banana, date, spinach smoothie with a splash of almond milk and about a cup of coconut water to get it blending.  That did the trick.  It sounds disgusting, but I swear you cannot taste the spinach at all, and there was 2 or 3 cups of it.  It tastes like.... caramel and bananas.  I also had a bit of tummy upset over the last 2 days, but that's to be expected on a cleanse.  I think it was caused by a pumpkin smoothie, as soon as I drank it, it did not sit well.  Bad food  combining?  Typically, day three is the most difficulty day and if you can make it to day four, it's all gravy.  I started the day off feeling great, so I'm hopeful.


Jonathan said...

Good luck Hilary. Remember that you'll have to ride the detox wave before you really get a taste for what is possible with this diet. I wish you the very best and I care, your blog is very pretty :-)