Friday, October 12, 2012

day 7

Yes. It's already day seven.  The last thing I ate was a banana 7 days ago.  That sounds crazy. I seriously cannot believe I made it so far, and that it was so easy.  If it weren't for my upcoming trip to Hong Kong, I think I would stay on the liquids for longer.  I feel great overall.  I had one scary moment when I hadn't drank very much because I got busy at work.  I realized I wasn't feeling right, and then I realized I was going to faint.  Lucky for me I didn't, and 5 minutes after I drank some juice I was fine.  My plan has been to do about another week before I start transitioning back to food.  Maybe that'll change.

Now I'm looking up what my food options are while I travel.  I have never travelled internationally while juggling my dietary restrictions.  It was on my last trip to Hong Kong that I felt so ill that I finally realized that I really truly had a problem with gluten.  The thought of trying to explain gluten to a waiter can be hard enough at home, let alone overseas.  Reading packages for ingredients could also be a challenge.  I'm telling you, sticking with plain ole fruits and veg is so much more simple.  However, one pretty big downside is that I will completly miss out on the local foods.  Is real pad thai in Thailand worth the risk of getting sick?