Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Hope every one had a really good Easter. This year we had Easter at dad and judy's house. After a quick driving lesson with dad, I was ready for a drink. Sarah was quick to get into the spirit of a typical family dinner. The keg stand happened later.

Lots of yummy food. Schwartzie potatoes (a favorite low cal dish), asparagus, chicken, lamb, salmon, spinach salad, and chocolate rounded out the main course.

Fresh fruit and dip with a selection of cheeses was dessert. Or is it desert?

Dad and Judy are renovating their kitchen, and had started to remove the countertops. We jumped at the opportunity to vandalize the countertops with graffiti. So Surrey! Yes, I am available to deface your countertops too, please email for rates. All I can draw is bunnies, hearts and stick men.

From left to right, Whitney's, Sarah's and mine. I think dad should keep our art work like when we were in kindergarden.


Karen said...

hmmm "Schwartzie potatoes" Friends of ours make these, but they always told me it was a secret family recipie...... their last name is Schwarz.......hmmmmmm?!!?!?

All the food looks YUMMMY!!!!!

Karen said...

WELLLLLLLLLLLL, it looks like I've been sucked in, I just Googled them. "SECRET FAMILY RECIPIE" AH HA RIGHT Schwarz's. Guess what I'm bringing to their next POT LUCK. lolololol

Hilary said...

In our family they are called "Maureen's Potatoes" after my dad's friend who brought them to a potluck years ago. I say go for it! Re-name them "Karen's Potatoes" while you're at it!