Friday, November 30, 2007

Dealing with credit card companies is like playing Monoploy

Y'all have a couple of these in your wallets I bet. I used to have 3 of them, but I cancelled one and have been slowly paying off the balance. In October I made my last payment of about $35. I felt really happy that I had finally paid it off, and was looking forward to seeing nothing but zeros on my next statement.
I had always thought when you pay off a balance in full, that you are not charged interest. Anyone else think that? But today when I got my final statement, I noticed that they had charged me interest! It was only 9 cents, but I was annoyed enough to call up my CC company. The guy on the phone said "Well lets not make a big deal out of it, it's only 9 cents." But in my mind, those cents add up.
In the end, I got the 9 cents credited to my account, and I got a tutorial on interest charges. Here's how it works:
They send out your statement and estimate the number of days it will take to get to you (about 4 days). They then charge you a daily interest fee from that day forward. In my case 6 days worth of interest on a $35 balance. So if you are like me, and pay your bills just before they are due, you are getting charged extra interest. TIP #1: pay your bill as soon as you get it to avoid the daily interest charges.
My other tip of the day, (let's call it TIP #2) is that if your credit card ever charges you fees (like overlimit fees, late fees etc) call them up. A quick phone call is all it takes- as long as you ask nicely. They have never said "no" to me. The one time they hesitated, I just calmly asked who I should talk to about cancelling my card. That changed their tune. Same applies to having your interest rate decreased.


Anonymous said...

Very much the helpful information

Anonymous said...

Exact messages

Anonymous said...

The remarkable message