A lot has been happening on the bus lately. I sometimes think that my life would be completely uneventful if it weren't for the strange things that happen to me on the bus.
Today as I was preparing to get off the bus, a couple of young guys were talking about me. I thought it was funny because they were about 19 or 20 years old and were talking really loudly. I was feeling pretty hot today, I had just dropped a mint at the mall, the sun was shining, and my hair was awesome, and now I had some hot young thing checking me out. Decent. One of them was about to talk to me when his friend said "Dude, she's like, 12 man." I was so shocked that I just got off the bus. I look 12? How the hell did that happen? Last month I was in the dumps because I'm almost 30! Little did I know that I'm really single because I look pre-pubescent!
Now for the ugly. I was heading to work last week, it was the first nice sunny day in a long while. I was wearing my favorite Capri's and flip flops. Again, feeling pretty hot. The bus was packed with old ladies, so I stood at the front of the bus, near the driver. I got to work and was getting changed into the dreaded uniform. Somehow my nice, white dress shirt had got stained with purple overnight. As I had no immediate remedy for my situation, I put it on anyways. As I was buttoning it up, I found that my shirt was now also missing a button in a rather unfortunate place. How did that happen? It sucks, but I can live with my stained peek-a-boob shirt. I was folding up my favorite Capri's when I noticed that the ass had ripped! OMG! I got on a packed bus and stood at the front with the ass of my pants ripped!
Strangely enough, I am much more upset about the pants than I am about showing half of the city my pink underwear.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Bus tales
Posted by Hilary at 7:48 p.m. 2 comments
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Opportunity knocking

Posted by Hilary at 8:45 p.m. 0 comments

Posted by Hilary at 9:27 a.m. 0 comments
Saturday, May 12, 2007
I saw you
Yes I am still reading the I saw you's. This one is funny.
Crazy depressed hot girl on Skytrain - May 2 - m4w - 31
It was the 2nd time I saw you on Skytrain. The first time your eyes were puffy from what looked like a long crying session. My brother and I agreed that we wanted to cheer you up cause you were totally hot. At the same time I was afraid to say hi because you looked like you might go crazy. Crazy like "throw shit at me and accuse me of shit that was the fault of your shithead boyfriend".
This time I saw you again and text messaged my brother who was standing a few feet away from you. You still looked crazy but you didn't look like you've cried in a while, maybe the anti-depressants are sorta working. You still looked totally sad but also totally hot. Like totally crazy in bed hot.
Maybe we can have a coffee or something. Caffeine is an anti-depressant you know.
Insulting a person is not the best way to get them to go out with you. Who knew that crazy and puffy, red eyes were hot? I'll have to try that next time I go out. Oh and coffee isn't an anti-depressant, but it is a stimulant.
Posted by Hilary at 6:53 p.m. 2 comments
Monday, May 07, 2007
Benji is Dad and Judy's cat. He is about a year and half old, and full of energy. I have had requests for picture updates of their baby.
The 'get to know you' stage of their relationship. Benji came for a sleepover last weekend to make sure that he and Salem would get along.
Followed by the hiding and pouncing stage.
And the adventure stage. Benji is learning about the dogs that live downstairs.
And they are now in the BFF stage. It only took 2 days.
Posted by Hilary at 7:41 p.m. 1 comments
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Well, now that the Canucks are out of the playoffs, I can catch up on other blog stuff. A couple weeks ago was my birthday.
Posted by Hilary at 9:09 a.m. 0 comments
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Big game tonight. I have done all the superstitious things possible. I washed and dried my canucks towel. I looked for a duck to kick, but no dice. I have been answering my phone "Go Canucks Go" for a week. I personally feel that I have done my bit. It's now up to the team.
The pre-game hotties are not exactly 'hot' but once upon a time they scored goals.
Which one is which?
Just for the record I am not a puck bunny. A puck bunny is a chick who only likes hockey because the players are hot. I don't think I'm a puck bunny because I could hold a conversation about the strengths and weaknesses of the players, I choose not to.
I might be a soccer ball bunny though. mmmm Becks
Posted by Hilary at 5:46 p.m. 0 comments
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Do you Quilt?
I want to learn how to quilt. Does anyone know how? Anyone want to teach me the basics? I've been trying to learn by reading online, but that doesn't really work so well. Like the time I tried to teach Sarah to knit via the webcam. It was a disaster. I have been checking out the videos on you tube on quilting, but it would be nice to learn from a real live person.
GAME 4 UPDATE: bloody ducks 3-2 in OT. The Canucks are down 3-1 in the series, the stats are really against the Canucks now.
Posted by Hilary at 10:10 a.m. 0 comments