Today Shannon told Kassie how they are going to go for a trip on a ferry so big that they can drive their car on it. Kassie started to get upset and said she didn't want to go. So Shannon keeps telling her how much fun it will be, how big the ferry is and how they are going to go to an island. At this point Kassie is almost crying. Finally Kassie says that they only 'ferry' she's ever seen is Tinkerbell, and she doesn't think she wants to see a fairy that is big enough to carry the car! Isn't that the cutest!!!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Posted by Hilary at 11:55 p.m. 1 comments
Nearly Grown Up...
To answer the question once and for all.
How Much Longer Are You Going To Be At SFU?
I have 30 credits to go which is at MOST 10 classes. At the very least it is 6 and a half classes. Do I see the light at the end of the tunnel? No. I'm still scared to death that'll flunk out and finally admit to being a lifer at shoppers. That's scarier than the shining and nightmare on elm street!
Posted by Hilary at 2:37 p.m. 0 comments
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
cruiser chicks
Sarah and I went for a cruise around coal harbour and the sea wall monday. We decided that having super cute bikes made it much more fun. We borrowed the bikes from Justis- they are for sale in his shop The Denman Bike Shop. I have to admit that when I saw the price of the bikes I was more than a little nervous!!!! As Sarah said on her website, we only had one helmet (which Sarah wore) I was more worried about damaging the bike then I was my head.
I think I look super cute on the bike! After a few blocks I got use to back peddle brakes.
Out front of Whit's place. Justis gave me an earful about how I shouldn't be wearing flip flops on a bike. We were both wearing flip flops until I called Sarah to tell her about the shoe clearance going on at the bay! Big mistake, that girl can't pass up a shoe store without buying. How can Ryan possibly think she only owns 20 pairs?!!
Posted by Hilary at 11:40 a.m. 1 comments
Sunday, July 23, 2006
In this heat Slurpies are considered required
Just a quick update for those not in Van City. Sarah is back in town, and I always get lazy updating the blog. Anyways, I watched some of the baseball tourney (which they won) got a fairly wicked sunburn and ate far too much sushi. I went and saw Pirates of the Carribean, not as good as the first, but I think thte 3rd one will be really good. Number 2 seems to be just a build up to #3.
Sarah, Ryan and I also went for a day trip up to Whistler- It was a long trip because of the construction, it was nice I haven't been there in years. We stopped for cheese sticks in Squamish I remember them being soo much better. We also stopped off at Warren and Karens in Brakendale and met D-Boz the Pit Bull. The dog has some bad manners! He would run around growling with a ball in his mouth and then run up behind you and while you're standing there, and shove his head in between your knees!
Nana turned 90 on Monday, I went out for possibly the worst food ever at the jiffy wiffy waffle house. It was my first time there, hopefully the last! I also went and picked the apples off her tree, but it's too hot to do any canning, the thought of turning the canning pot on....ugh! Hopefully the weather will change-otherwise I won't get any canning done.
Last night I went to laugh lines- the headliner was really good. The warm up act was a 73 year old gramma. It felt really wrong to laugh at her, and all her jokes were really raunchy, which made it even more uncomfortable. There was hardly any AC in the club, I think I lost about 10 pounds in sweat! I think the club did it on purpose, I didn't even bat an eye at the $7.50 drinks.
As I'm sure everyone in Vancouver is already aware, It is SMOKING hot here. Bus journey's are no longer enjoyable. There are lots of deoderant ads on the bus and skytrain, but I swear no one in Vancouver has ever used any! I am actually starting to long for rain. 2 nights ago I managed to sleep a little with the help of a cold shower and an ice pack. Last night I decided to forget trying to cool my house down. Instead I made a bed on my balcony! I highly recommned it, I was actually able to sleep.
In the last 2 days I have had nearly 150 comments posted on my blog. They aren't from anyone I know. I have no idea why I'm being spammed, but it's getting to be annoying. It's not that the comments are bad- it's comments like "This blog has lots of information for a beginner like me!" They're nice, but there's just too many. So from now on when you post a comment, word verification is required. Just enter the word/letters shown. Hopefully this will stop the spammer.
Posted by Hilary at 2:18 p.m. 1 comments
Monday, July 10, 2006
Wading Through the Pox
... one child at a time. Kassie has chicken pox. Kaitlyn is coming down with the pox. The daycare kids have all been exposed. The neighbour's kids have the pox, the neighbour has the pox. Shannon is sick too. So what does this all add up to? Between 7 and 9 children with the pox, 2 out of commission mothers and one neighbour (me) who gets to run the daycare. Do you think Costco sells industrial sized calimine lotion?
Posted by Hilary at 11:09 p.m. 2 comments
Monday, July 03, 2006
Sleeping Beauty she is not!
"CLEVELAND (AP) - Officers who went to a home to serve a search warrant found a skeleton in the bed where an 80-year-old woman said her mother was sleeping.
Police believe the remains belong to woman's 98-year-old mother, who hadn't been seen in at least three years. Officers went to the home Wednesday to serve a search warrant for building, housing and health code violations, but the woman said they couldn't come inside because her mother was sleeping. After persuading her to let them in the house, the officials pulled back the blanket on the bed and found the skeleton.
The daughter, whose name was withheld until her family was notified, was taken to St. Vincent Charity Hospital.
Cuyahoga County coroner Elizabeth Balraj said Thursday she would need more information to identify the body, which showed no signs of injury.
Police Lieut. Thomas Stacho said no charges were expected. "
She must be crazy if no charges are pending. How long did she figure mom was going to sleep for?
Posted by Hilary at 1:02 p.m. 2 comments
Sunday, July 02, 2006
I am shocked! Here's a pic of the guy behind cats in sinks and kitten war:
I don't think I can endorse his sites anymore. He probably has a kitten mill where he forces the kittens to be cute and pose for pictures. Very cruella de ville.
Posted by Hilary at 11:02 a.m. 1 comments
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Better than cat's in sinks
I can't remember if I ever posted the website on the blog or not. Check it out if you like cats in sinks. Here's a sample:
But now these people have made a new site about kittens!!!
Posted by Hilary at 11:03 p.m. 0 comments