Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I have a bit of an update for y'all.


I joined a discussion group/forum that's all about vermicomposting. I'd done my research before I started, but I was a little worried because I only had a few worms. But everyone was really nice and said that I was doing everything right. Well apparently I am. The worms have had babies! They are only about 3/4 of a cm long and kinda white in colour. So that's good! I was worried that I didn't have boy and girl worms, but hey no worries they don't have sex- they reproduce asexually- did you know that?

I also did 6 batches of strawberry freezer jam in the past week. I have put a posting on my local freecycle site that if anyone has a fruit tree, I'm willing to take the fruit off their hands. Hopefully that way I can get more fruit for free. If you are interested there is a link in my links section- people post stuff that they don't want or stuff that they want- the only rule is that everything must be free. You must apply to join the group.


Ryan and Sarah Sutherland said...

Great to hear there is such a great worm community out there!!

What is you going to do with all your canning this year?

Hilary said...

Yes, yes, the worm community is second only to the Star Trek community.

As for the canning, I have a Friesen-sisters' monopoly in North America. I'm not promising anything, but I am in talks with Santa's people for exclusive distribution rights in his Canadian branches.