Saturday, September 01, 2012

End of Summer update

It seems like this summer went so quickly! This morning I got up early and headed out to the farmers market. The onky thing on my lisg was organic blueberries.  No luck. For some reason, this weeks market was terrible!  Nothing but carrots and potaoes.  Also there were fewer farmers this week. Those that were, weren't organic.  I decided to drive over to the farm to buy the blueberries direct, but turns out their season is over and they were closed.  But that wasn't going to stop me!  So I drove to the roadside berries stands close to me, but they were also closed.  On my 5th stop I finally found some, not organic, but that this point, I didn't think I could be picky.  Guess it's nothing but potatoes and turnips until spring. Bleh.

This summer was very busy, I got so busy doing things that I totally went off my routine.  I hardly hiked at all.  But now that Sarah is back in Hong Kong, I am back on track. No more hawkin's cheezies.   No more thinking about Me 'n Ed's pizza. (I'm still working on that one.)  Not that it was Sarah's fault, she just got me busy doing other fun things. Almost a year ago I made a goal for myself that is probably impossible.  I wanted to wear a bikini when I go to Hong Kong at the end of Oct.  At this point, I'd have to develop annorexia to make that happen.  Maybe next year.  A couple weeks ago I was 4 pounds from my "realistic" goal.  However that was before a rather indulgant campjng trip that was the caloric undoing of many a Friesen.  So now that I'm zeroing in on the realistic goal, I need to set myself a new numeric goal.  I'm thinking of setting 5 pound goals since weightloss seems to be slowing.  Seems reasonable.

The other day, it dawned on me one major advantage of living and working here.  This will be the first time in 3 years that I won't be commuting in the winter.  For that alone, I have decided to stay put until the spring.   And then who knows? I had briefly thought of moving closer to the centre of town becuase my landlord was pushing me to pay more rent.  I think I have held her off for now.  The cost of moving would have been greater in the long run than just paying more rent. I'm sure at some point she'll broach the subject again.

In other news, I have just purchased a bluetooth keyboard for my tablet that will make it sooooo much easier to type. I love my tablet, and think it was a smart purchase, but the touch screen keyboard is not ideal for blogging.  Everyother word has a typo.  Once the keyboard arrives , I'll do a photo update.  If you are thinking of buying a laptop, let me persuade you to buy a tablet instead.  It's like combining your laptop, with your ebook reader, with your phone (apps and games) with your tv (controls your tv and sends images from the tablet to your tv). I was a firm supporter of laptops, now I would not go back. The only thing I wish it could do is connect my iphone to the tablet and send information between the two of them.