Sunday, January 22, 2012

goal multitasking

I'm trying so hard to be good.  I have three goals in life right now. Save for a vacation in Thailand next fall, wear a bikini and look good while doing it, and pay off my debts. 

It seems no matter how hard I try, I can't do all three things at once.  I follow a personal finance blog that helps me stay on track for the most part.  I follow three general rules, 1.research your purchases, 2. wait 24 hours before you purchase an item and 3. ask yourself: will this improve my life.  It's the last one that's really tough for me.  Chances are I can do the first 2 steps no problem, but most of the things I want won't really improve my life.  New car stereo, new work shoes, a food dehydrator and the expensive face cream I used to buy.  All these things are on my list of wants.  The one I want the most is the food dehydrator, but at about $200... it's a big want, and not a need.  I have dreams of making raw food crackers and sweet onion "bread".  Plus in the summer, I could dehydrate lots of yummy fruit.  Instead, I'm looking on craigslist for used ones, no luck so far.

I had a pretty good bit of money saved for my vacation fund, but then the car accident happened.  I had to pay about $300 in rental car insurance, a couple days off of work and Christmas presents- poof most of the vacation fund got used up.  I think I'm back on track for the most part now, and am half way back to the amount I had saved up before the accident.

Thankfully, at least the second goal is coming along just fine.  I'm wearing my skinny jeans.  Whenever I wear them I think of Miranda from Sex and the City.  I'm so happy with the raw vegan thing that I'm thinking of purging my kitchen of all items I no longer need: toaster,  casserole dishes and maybe some of the pots and pans that aren't in great shape.  I already donated a chunk of my food cupboards to the food bank at Christmas.    I kept looking at the food knowing I was never going to eat it, so I got rid of it.  I also donated all the clothes that were too big for me.  If you want things to change, you gotta make space for the change to come in right?  I wonder why it doesn't work the same way with money?  If I spend all the money in my bank account, how come that doesn't make room for the universe to bring me more money?


W said...

Personally I have a tendency to follow the spend all your money scenario....not sure how well that has worked out....but if Suds can get pickles from trees then maybe there is a money tree out there too!