Monday, January 28, 2008

Listen Up Everybody 'Cuz Were Gonna Do Our Thing!

Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!
Pinch me, I must be dreaming. New Kids on the Block (NKOTB) are reuniting and going on tour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NKOTB was my first concert in grade four or five. I remember standing in line with my mom at the old Woodwards in New West waiting to buy tickets. We bought the tickets about six months in advance, it seemed like years until the show. Finally it was time for the concert, about 8 of us went with my mom (because we were too young to go on our own). Our seats were up in the stands at BC Place (the only concert I have ever seen in the echo dome). Good thing they had a jumbo screen otherwise, I would never have been able to see them. My god the screaming. 40,000 little girls. Excellent.

Okay, so who's going to go with me? Not sure if you can handle it? Lucky for you I bought a NKOTB VHS tape of their music videos and stuff. All the favorites, Hang'n Tough, Please Don't Go Girl and I'm sure they had other hits. You can borrow it, I don't watch it anymore. I wonder how Joey will reach those high notes? What about Jordan? Joey use to be my favorite, Jonathan was my least favorite. (He always looked a little special to me.) Who will be my favorite now? Start crimping your hair now, and brush off your white Ked sneakers. They're coming....

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Hello Africa!

I just got my first hit from Africa!

Where ya been all this time? Obviously word is spreading, my blog is where it's at! Now if only Russia would get with the program. Maybe I should start some sort of email campaign.....

This post is brought to you by my 3 favorite websites. - lend $25 to someone half way around the world. The money is loaned to small business people to help them improve their businesses (and their lives). At the end of the term, the person re-pays the loan (no interest on the loan) and you can either re-invest in someone else, or you can cash your money out. Pretty cool idea- so cool it won the Nobel prize. is a awesome music website that sends you music based on your preferences. Type in the name of you favorite artist, and similar artists are streamed to you live. You can customize your profile by telling the website which songs you like and which ones you don't as you listen. The more you listen, the better it gets.

The vegan lunch box website is no longer, as the author has decided to home school her munchkin. I needed something else to fill the void. is the new black. It is written by a local BC woman. Every week a new meal plan is posted complete with recipes and pictures. Older recipes are vegetarian, and the newer ones are vegan. If you are ever stumped for dinner, this site will give you some awesome ideas. For the meat eaters in the crowd, it's really easy to ruin... oops I mean add meat to the meals if you wish.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Christmas 2007

What a Christmas! Hope yours was good too!

I bought a couple of santa hats for the cats. I had visions of cuteness floating around in my head. But I underestimated how hard it would be to put hats on cats and then have them pose together. They aren't into hats, I guess I'll have to stick to bibs and sweaters.

Marley showing her anger.

Sarah and Ryan flew in for Christmas this year and brought the snow with them. We had Christmas morning at Dad's and then continued on for present exchanges at Jami and Chris's. The paparazzi found Sarah and Suds. Unlike Britney, Sarah knows how to play to the Paps. I think she looks like Medussa with the tree reflection on the window.
Girls night on the train. Don't let Sarah's outfit throw you- It wasn't minus 20 degrees!!!!
Dinner was at 6 Acres- a funky 50's cowboy restaurant. Then we went out for dessert at Morton's. We scored free dessert and free drinks because our order had to be done twice. (Something about the first batch not turning out.) Then it was off to Chicago's and Mugs and Jugs for a goodbye drink- both of the clubs closed for good that weekend. The club was packed with the strangest looking people, it was a bit like a trailer park social.
Next was Whitney's annual re-gift-it party. Creepy Santa was unavailable this year. However Years-of-Therapy-Will-Never-Erase-The-Visual-Santa was available. Yes that's my Dad, after doing shots of 90 proof alcohol!!!!!!!!!!
Ryan was Santa's Special little helper
This was definately a memorable Christmas!