Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Went camping this weekend near Princeton with Whitney, Sarah and Ryan. On the drive up, kinda near Manning Park

Night one

Old trucks all in a row

Big red bridge, kinda like Bridges of Madison County

Camping part 2

Driving through big red bridge

Bromley rock is along the Similkameen river, perfect for tubing. We piled in the car with our floaties and drinks.

The weather was more than a little crappy. It was cloudy, rainy, windy and cold. There were a few breaks in the clouds, so we jumped in the water. The water was cold, and none of us could last very long .

Ryan looking very styling in his apres-swim outfit

Camping part 3

It was seriously cold, the wind was really strong each day in the afternoon. Ryan was dressed in his snowboarding clothes, and the rest of us had all of the clothes we brought on.

Playing cards

We all tried to snuggle up as close as we could to the fire pit to stay warm.

Fire poker with a sexy toque

We ate gourmet the entire weekend. Dinner on the last night included prawns, broccoli cheese rice, Greek salad, Nan bread and homemade Tzaziki


Cold campers ready to chow down


Time to catch up on blogging.
Last week Sarah, Ryan and I went to the PNE. The new attraction this year is the Chinese Acrobats. They are absolutely amazing, there were some parts that had me cringing because it looked so dangerous. Too bad the pictures didn't work out.

There was lots of clapping involved, they bowed twice for each trick

These little piggies were only a couple hours old

Blurry piglet up close

It was raining on and off all morning, we ate our lunch in a tent. That day was also Sarah and Ryan's 2nd anniversary! Yummy Indian food at the PNE.


What a day of eating! scones for breakfast, indian and mexican for lunch, mini doughnuts for snack, and then cotton candy for the road!
We also bought our tickets for the prize home. We weren't thrilled with the house, there were some strange things with the design, but hey, if I won it I wouldn't complain at all!!!

Friday, August 17, 2007


Yesterday I was walking through Queen's Park when something fell out of a tree at my feet. It was a baby squirrel! It looked a lot like these little ones, but a little darker in colour. I thought it must be dead, because it hit the ground so hard it bounced, but it was moving and crying. After panicking for a minute, and a couple phone calls, I decided to wait a while to see if momma squirrel was around. About 10 minutes later, a squirrel came along and stumbled across the baby. She sniffed it a little and then picked it up with her paws and shoved it in her mouth! At first I thought she was going to eat it, but I guess that's just what momma squirrels do. She scurried up the tree with the baby squirrel, and it was a happy ending.

this picture is borrowed from the yggdrasil urban wildlife rescue and education website

Monday, August 06, 2007

Nana's Birthday

Last weekend we celebrated Nana's 91st birthday. It was a really nice sunny day, Sarah felt the need to rock out.

There was lots of nummie snacks, even sourdough fresh from San Fran.

Time to open presents (that's Aunt Irene on the left)

Sarah and Ryan were eyeing Nana's gifts

Then it was time for some chow, Nana was in the mood for Chinese.

And cake 'made' by Judy

Reason 371 for not snapping pictures on my camera when I go to the washroom.....



Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Ginger Drive Sweat Shop

Sarah and Shannon came over for another session of T-shirt making. This time that challenge was putting decals on baby clothes. There were many challenges and obstacles along the way. They had only bought one shirt, and only 2 decals remained, this meant that there was no room for error.

Everything was going along swimmingly when glue accidentally transferred onto the shirt. Disaster! We decided to put another transfer on top of the ruined one to hide the glue. Sadly, we forgot that there needed to be protective paper between the decal and the iron. Sarah immediately sensed that things were going badly. She promptly admitted defeat.

Faith was restored when a third decal was found. After a few tense moments, we were ready to try again

Midway through the ordeal

4 hours later, the shirt was done.