There isn't any sound, but it's a video of Salem and Marley playing. For some reason you tube has resized the video. It doesn't look all that great. But not bad for a first attempt.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
My very first attempt at You tube
Posted by Hilary at 5:46 p.m. 33 comments
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
420 Baseball tournament
This weekend was the 420 year-end tournament. The pressure was on as they were the defending champions. Sarah, Shannon and Darren came over the night before to make t-shirts for the event. We were the team cheerleaders for the weekend, copmlete with pom-poms. The shirts were a big hit and people on the team all wanted to wear the leftover shirts. The slogans on day one included "420's Ball washer", "Jesus loves the 420's", and "It's 420 time".
Brendan thought of an awesome idea and brought the supplies for a huge slip and slide. It was a very fast 100 foot stretch. Much better than the store bought one. Here's Pat getting a face full of soap.
The team sitting around in between games. Three games were played the first day, 2 wins and one lost.
Day 2 brought new outfits. These awesome shirts were much admired, Pat wore the third one: "Taking you to 420 town"
Cheering is much more difficult than you would guess. It's hard to keep the energy going when things are going bad, and by the end of the weekend my voice was nearly gone. We managed to come up with nicknames for nearly the whole team, and most people also got a personalized theme song/cheer.
Shannon brought along blue body paint, and everyone got something painted on their arms. The 420 girls with painted arms
For some reason I only took one game picture, and the person up to bat is on the other team!
While waiting for the last game to start, we broke out the body paint again. We also had those black under the eye sticker things. Ryan was being silly in his "It's 420 time" shirt.
3 games were played on day 2. The first was lost, but the next two were won. Which means that the team came in 5th
Marcell went up to accept the award
"Damn, this thing is a lot smaller than last years"
The team photo
Posted by Hilary at 10:54 a.m. 0 comments
Friday, July 06, 2007
Marley is my new kitten. She likes the laptop, especially music videos. And typing, I have to lock her in the bedroom when I want to type. Her she is watching a video.
kitty in between the couch cushions, I think she looks guilty, or confused or maybe worried
Salem and Marley get along very well. The two hot cats trying to cool off. It's hard to tell, but Marley is still tiny compared to Salem, she's only 9 weeks old. I am anxiously waiting to get my balcony screened-in so that I can open my sliding door again. These last few days have been very hot with all the doors closed!
UPDATE: the kitties love each other, and now sleep curled up together. I guess Salem looks like Marley's mom or something because Marley tries to nurse from Salem, and Salem allows it. It's very strange, I'm not sure what to do about it.
Posted by Hilary at 10:45 a.m. 0 comments
Is that her?
Posted by Hilary at 10:14 a.m. 0 comments