I actually like that Dolly Parton song. She sang it for a movie where she played a woman who pretended to be a Psychologist and had a radio talk show.
So today I had a job interview. It was for the Vancouver public library (I know Micah is sooo jealous!) I think it went well. hoping so anyways. They asked a few questions that threw me. I was expecting the first question to be "tell us a little about you" ---that has been the opener for every other interview I have ever had. No, instead they asked why I want to work for the library. okay that I should have expected, instead it threw me and the only thing that popped into my head was $$$$$$$!! Thankfully I thought of some other bullshit.
So really hope I get it as the thought of another summer at shoppers....shudder
The book selling is going well 3 books this week. Amazon has annoying rotation policy. Not all the sellers are shown at any one time. It seems like it's 2 weeks on the site and 2 weeks off. I guess it's fair and everyone gets a shot at selling their gear. I was feeling pretty down when I hadn't sold anything in 2 weeks and I started eyeing my 500 books--thinking what if none of these sell?? luckily things have turned around.
So a few people have wanted the link to the 24 hour web cam on the cruise ship:
http://www.princess.com/bridgecams/ For those of you that don't read the emails I send you...I am going on a cruise to mexico in October. Dad's fiance's daughter is getting married on the boat.
okay that's all I got
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
working 9 to 5
Posted by Hilary at 2:56 p.m. 1 comments
Sunday, February 26, 2006
is that a test?
I don't know what optical illusions have to do with psychology, but I have a midterm tomorrow that is all about them. I certainly hope that I don't have to answer questions about how many legs I see. These ones are my favourites. I'll try to find a few more later.
Salem has never had a bath. But sometimes she looks at me exactly like this. I think that if I gave her botox she would look happy all the time.
Posted by Hilary at 11:30 a.m. 1 comments
Sunday, February 19, 2006
I'm no Paris, but....
Ah well...Back from a dinner with the fam. Should be studying, but instead I think I'll do a quick post and then off to bed to get a early start in the morning. While surfing some german guys blog I found this fabulous shirt. Apparently blogs are as trendy as Paris Hilton.
so because I am having problems figuring out how to get HTML to do what I want, I thought I would just enter all my links in my posts. I think they are all absolutely fabulous!
http://bucknbeaver.blogspot.com/ Whitney's blog
http://sudsandsarah.blogspot.com/ Sarah and Ryans blog
http://oneredpaperclip.blogspot.com/ My hero Kyle MacDonald
http://www.notmartha.org/index.html Domestic Goddess
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/newwest/ Give away your crap and collect new crap
http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/123go/menu-en.asp work/study/travel government info
And the serious ones:
www.peta.com Even Trent Reznor knows it's not cool to wear fur. PETA hates Paris Hilton too!
http://www.acdi-cida.gc.ca/index-e.htm#snav CIDA-Great place to look for work/travel and get involved
http://www.msf.org/ Doctors Without Borders- incase you ever what to know what's going on in countries that aren't 'important enough' to make the news.
http://www.whitehouse.gov/ lots of propaganda. But George has an email address- email him, I have!
And then there are the sites that make me drool/music
http://www.myspace.com/dallasgreen bloody concert sold out in 13 minutes.
http://www.thetrewsmusic.com/ -the trews
http://www.maplemusic.com/ -good site to checkout the unknowns, and the knowns
okay goodnight, turns out it wasn't a quick post.
Posted by Hilary at 10:35 p.m. 0 comments
Friday, February 10, 2006
Home of hilary
Well at the risk of being oh so trendy...
Welcome to my blog! I built one at www.myspace.com/hilarysfu earlier. But it seemed like a popularity contest/home preditors who want to lure me away. Within 5 minutes of creating the site I had 2 people that wanted to be my firend. I always thought you weren't supposed to talk to strangers. Who knows which one I'll maintain.
Posted by Hilary at 4:54 p.m. 0 comments